The following day Shoghi Effendi received this telegram from his cousin, who was in Jerusalem:
His Eminence Shoghi Effendi Rabbani, Haifa.
Letter received. Immediate steps taken. The final decision by the High Commissioner is in our favour. The key is yours.
The letter referred to was one the Chief Secretary of the Palestine Administration, Sir Gilbert Clayton, had written to the High Commissioner. Shoghi Effendi, in another letter to Tudor Pole, informed him that he was on very warm terms with the Governor of Haifa, Colonel G. Stewart Symes, and had met Sir Gilbert; it was no doubt due to these contacts that the authorities decided in favour of the Guardian and the key was officially returned to the legitimate Bahá’í keeper of the Shrine, from whom it had been wrested by force over a year before.
Though the safety of the Qiblih of the Bahá’í world was now assured once and for all time, the house Bahá’u’lláh had occupied in Baghdad was still in the hands of the Shí‘ah enemies of the Faith, and continues to be so until the present day; the battle to get it back into Bahá’í custody was to worry and to exercise Shoghi Effendi for many years.
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