Friday, December 30, 2022
Friday, December 16, 2022
I immediately threw myself at His feet, held the hem of His robe
Latest model Car was presented to 'Abdul Baha by the American friends
in a state of joy and delight, He said, ‘No government was able to seize the fortress and port of Akka, but when God willed it, it was conquered by two British cavalrymen
India is like a jungle of different religions
The Light of God, manifest in Abdul Baha
Abdul-Baha, Converting People, New World Order (NWO)
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Iran's Intelligence Ministry announced the arrest of several prominent members of the minority Baha'i faith
Monday, October 10, 2022
Diffusing the light of Bahá’u’lláh’s Revelation ever more widely
Thursday, September 22, 2022
In 1957 there were less than a thousand Baha'is in India.
The beginnings of the Indian Baha'i Community (1872-1910)
Claims to divinity
History of the Babi period in India
Converting People, Independent Investigation of Truth, Personal Observations
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A short introduction of the Baha'i faith by William Garlington
Independent Investigation of Truth, Personal Observations
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Some estimates at the low end have placed the worldwide adult Bahá'í population at closer to 1.5 million and the adult Bahá'í population in India at 100,000 to 150,000.
Saturday, August 20, 2022
'teaching' vs 'proselytism'
Converting People, Denis MacEoin, Personal Observations
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Haj and Ziyara (Pilgrimages) in the Baha'i faith
The ignorance (?) of Baha'i scholars Hatcher and Martin about Islam
Censorship, Covenant, Denis MacEoin, Guardianship, Islam, Personal Observations, Shi'ih
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Intellectually dishonest Baha'i scholars (loyal to the UHJ) try to avoid citing these scholars in their works.
Censorship, Denis MacEoin, Personal Observations
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MacEoin's opinion about the book "The Baha'i Faith: The Emerging Global Religion" and its authors William S. Hatcher and J. Douglas Martin
Baha'ism is the largest of the many new religious movements (NRMs) that have come to prominence since the Second World War
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Pros/Cons of Shoghi Effendi's leadership
Monday, August 15, 2022
Beloved Hand of the Cause of God Ugo Giachery on why the women are not eligible to the UHJ
House of Justice (UHJ), Personal Observations, Women
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Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Shaykhism is "something very close to a Shi'ite Sufi order".
Shaykh Ahmad's mystical cosmology and Kabbalah
Shaykh Ahmad's attitude towards Ibn Arabi and Mulla Sadra
Shaykh Ahmad's cosmology
Shaykh Ahmad about the creation of Mohammed and his other myths
Monday, August 8, 2022
Shaykh Ahmad was influenced by mythologies
Shaykh Ahmad's belief about the creation of the universe.
Shaykh Ahmad, Akhbarism and a commentary on a tradition attributed to the Prophet of Islam.
Shaykh Ahmad's approach towards Sufi mysticism and Shi'ite gnosis. He was much influenced by Ibn Abi Jumhur al-Ahsa'i
Shaykh Ahmad's started to claim when it was a bad time for the Shias
Promoting the Baha'i faith in Iran in a semi-clandestine manner.
Abdul-Baha, Baha'i Activities, Converting People, History, Persian-speaking Baha'is
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Abdul Baha censored the book
How Baha'is invaded the Bans?
Gulpaygani made his livelihood as the editor of the Russian imperial government’s Persian magazine
History, Loyalty, Persian-speaking Baha'is, Russia
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In 1920, Muslims and Zoroastrians allied themselves with local Parsis in debating Baha’is.
Hinduism, History, Islam, Persian-speaking Baha'is
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Abdul Baha's policy of vetting Baha’i texts prior to publication
With the death of Baha’u’llah, Nasiri press was closed down.
Abdul-Baha, Covenant-Breakers, History, Muhammed Ali (Ghusn), Personal Observations
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Friday, August 5, 2022
the Baha'i divorce rate in the United States was above the national average
America (United States), Denis MacEoin, Divorce, Independent Investigation of Truth
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If a person is registered as a member of a church or similar religious organization he should withdraw from it on becoming a Bahá’í.
The doctrine of metempsychosis upheld by the Hindus is fallacious.
We believe that what Bahá'u'lláh has revealed and Abdu'l-Bahá has written is from God
Monday, June 27, 2022
"she was also expelled and shunned"
Covenant, Covenant-Breakers, Divorce, Personal Observations, Punishment
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Sunday, June 26, 2022
This is the day wherein the "neither born nor begotten" was born
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Restrictions to be imposed on a Baha'i who has lost his administrative rights.
Covenant, Covenant-Breakers, Independent Investigation of Truth, NSA, Personal Observations
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Wednesday, June 8, 2022
kept his belief a secret, even denying his relationship to Baha'u'llah
Friday, June 3, 2022
a young follower of the Shaykhi school
The Jews of Hamadan who converted to the Baha'i faith
"every activity... is for the purpose of teaching the Faith and confirming people."
The rudeness of Ruhiyyih Khanum
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Abdul Baha received an honorary knighthood, after the Occupation, for his service to the Allied cause.
Abdul-Baha, Israel, Palestine, Personal Observations, Politics
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Tuesday, May 31, 2022
People get converted to the Baha'i Faith so easily!
Sunday, May 29, 2022
Persecution of Baha'is is a golden opportunity for teaching - The UHJ
Converting People, Denis MacEoin, House of Justice (UHJ), Independent Investigation of Truth
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Saturday, May 28, 2022
The Bab's claims in the beginning of his mission
Bab, Denis MacEoin, Dissimulation, Imam Husayn, Shaykh Ahmad, Shi'ih
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"Slay those who have joined partners with God, and leave not a single one of the unbelievers alive upon the earth"
"...his dispatches concerning the Báb and the Bábís were 'laid before the Queen'."
Qayyum al Asma and the Quran
Friday, May 27, 2022
Abdul Baha's contacts with British Military heads
Abdul-Baha, Israel, Palestine, Pilgrims' Notes, Politics
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Thursday, May 26, 2022
Introduction of Babism by Denis MacEoin
Statistical Report Program
Converting People, Independent Investigation of Truth, Personal Observations
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"I personally hesitate to commit myself to the Baha'i faith"
Abuse, Independent Investigation of Truth, Muhammed Ali (Ghusn), Personal Observations, Subh-i-Azal
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According to a prominent Baha'i historical figure, the formation of Israel was "a most remarkable bloodless revolution occurred, when 4,000,000 Moslems fled and 1,000,000 Jews marched in and began tilling their ancestral soil, and a new nation was born."
Abdul-Baha, America (United States), Bahiyyih Khanum, Israel, Palestine, Pilgrims' Notes
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Wednesday, May 25, 2022
The Russians, fearing the effect of Babi propaganda near their border
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
How Baha'is ask for money?
The Bab appointed Mirza Yahya (known as Subh-i-Azal), to become the chief of the Babí community upon His passing.
Abdul Baha also met various diplomats & U.S. military officers
Baha'u'llah's writing a will did not save his family.
Abdul-Baha, Baha'u'llah, Independent Investigation of Truth, Personal Observations
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Some Covenant-breakers
"my words... are preserved from sin and ignorance and error."
Monday, May 23, 2022
“orders had been given to beat me and throw me out”
Covenant-Breakers, Independent Investigation of Truth, Injustice, Ruhiyyih Khanum
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Saturday, May 21, 2022
As of October 27 [2021], there were 38 Baha’is in prison.
Censorship, Injustice, Personal Observations, Politics, Spying
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sacred obligation is to deliver the message to their fellowmen at once, and on as large a scale as possible.
Thursday, May 19, 2022
The Bab and the law of tattoo
The Babi Laws
Refutation of Abdul-Baha's claims
Abdul-Baha, America (United States), Covenant, Independent Investigation of Truth, Will & Testament
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Some reasons why Fazl'ollah Mohtadi Sobhi left the Baha'i faith
Abdul-Baha, Abuse, Dissimulation, Personal Observations, Pilgrims' Notes
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"And if ye say that He is in need of a guardian for His cause, verily this is an injustice"
Baha'u'llah, Guardianship, Muhammed Ali (Ghusn), Subh-i-Azal
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The local Arabs of Acre did not embrace the new creed.
Baha'u'llah, Converting People, Israel, Palestine
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on some occasions Abdul Baha led the prayers in the mosque.
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Bitter and spiteful attitudes within Baha'u'llah's own family
Abdul-Baha, Covenant-Breakers, Muhammed Ali (Ghusn), Personal Observations, Shoghi Effendi
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