(The Messiah of Shiraz, p. 180)
"Slay those who have joined partners with God, and leave not a single one of the unbelievers alive upon the earth"
More explicitly, the Bāb links the waging of holy war with the necessary preparations for the advent of the Qāʾim: “O armies of God!”, he writes, “when you wage war with the infidels (al-mushrikīn), do not fear their numbers. ...Slay those who have joined partners with God, and leave not a single one of the unbelievers (al-kafirīn) alive upon the earth, so that the earth and all that are on it may be purified for the Remnant of God (baqiyyat Allāh), the expected one [i.e., the twelfth Imām in his persona as the Mahdī].”
(The Messiah of Shiraz, p. 180)
(The Messiah of Shiraz, p. 180)
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