Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Teach that person carefully until he becomes a Baha'i.
UHJ appeals Baha'is to convert more people.
Meat-eating in the writings of Baha'u'llah and Abdu'l-Baha
Abdul-Baha, Baha'i Law, Baha'u'llah, Censorship, Independent Investigation of Truth, Personal Observations
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The world is but one country and mankind its citizens.
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Abdul Baha went to the baths with the entire party.
You should go to Spiritual Assemblies as a child would to its parents.
The Tablets of the Divine Plan, by Abdu'l-Bahá are the Charter for the teaching of the Faith.
Abdul-Baha, Baha'i Law, Converting People, House of Justice (UHJ), War
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Your generation must provide the saints, heroes, martyrs and administrators of future years.
Baha'i Activities, New World Order (NWO), Politics, Shoghi Effendi
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Queen Marie's daughter : It is quite incorrect to say that my mother was a member of the Baha'i Faith.
Christians, Independent Investigation of Truth, Politics, Shoghi Effendi, Women
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Why Baha'is are 'persecuted' in Iran?
Baha'is believe all non-Baha'is are astray.
Abuse, Baha'u'llah, Independent Investigation of Truth, Racism, Takfir
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Dr Sa'eed Khan about Baha'is
Abuse, Independent Investigation of Truth, Personal Observations, Spying
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There is no way to appoint.. a second Guardian to succeed Shoghi Effendi.
Guardianship, House of Justice (UHJ), Shoghi Effendi
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The implementation of Bayan and non-implementation of Aqdas !?
Abuse, Bab, Bayan, Huququ'llah, Independent Investigation of Truth, Islam, Money, Personal Observations
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UHJ gives guidance on how to Pray and Meditate !
House of Justice (UHJ), Independent Investigation of Truth
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Perhaps Shoghi Effendi writes about himself...
Covenant-Breakers, History, Loyalty, Personal Observations, Shoghi Effendi
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World Religion Day.. was not meant primarily to provide a platform for all religions...
Baha'i Activities, House of Justice (UHJ), Racism
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Shoghi Effendi suggests Baha'i pilgrims to record their notes
Membership on the Universal House of Justice is confined to men.
Materials about the Faith authored by Baha’is must be reviewed by Baha’i institutions before publication.
About the Bab's writings
Baha'u'llah's source of knowledge
Love thy enemies - contradiction !
Friday, October 27, 2017
Baha'u'llah and Polytheists
Baha'i Faith and Dissimulation
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Waging a war for righteous purpose can be a praiseworthy thing!
Purging mankind from the defilement of the outcast and the ungodly!
Abuse, Azali, Baha'u'llah, Covenant-Breakers, New World Order (NWO), Politics, Provisional Translation
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Thursday, October 19, 2017
Baha'i Scholarship !
Baha'i Law, Censorship, Education, House of Justice (UHJ), Independent Investigation of Truth
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Monday, October 16, 2017
Baha'u'llah strictly forbade association with the Covenant-breakers, and even warned the friends against entering if possible a city where Covenant-breakers resided...
Bab, Baha'u'llah, Covenant-Breakers, Guardianship
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Polygamy and Tact and Wisdom
Abdul-Baha, Baha'i Law, Censorship, Dissimulation, Marriage, Shoghi Effendi
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Saturday, October 7, 2017
Baha'i participation in public demonstrations involving controversial issues
To remain a member of the Church is not proper for us
UHJ lied about the meaning of "proselytizing"
Abuse, Converting People, House of Justice (UHJ), Personal Observations
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Best way to serve ones country is to convert it to Baha'ism.
Baha'i Activities, Loyalty, New World Order (NWO), Politics, Shoghi Effendi, World Peace
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We must build up our Baha'i system, and leave the faulty systems of the world to go their own way.
Baha'i Activities, Converting People, New World Order (NWO), Politics
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The solution given to the world's problems by Baha'u'llah
Baha'u'llah, Converting People, New World Order (NWO), World Peace
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All men will adhere to one religion, will have one common faith.
Abdul-Baha, New World Order (NWO), Prophecy, World Peace
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Baha'i faith will embrace both religious and political issues.
Establishment of a Baha'i State
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Baha'i Faith is the sole panacea for the innumerable ills afflicting our present-day world.
Converting People, New World Order (NWO), Shoghi Effendi, World Peace
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Fundamentalism in the Baha'i Faith
New World Order (NWO), Personal Observations, World Peace
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