Sunday, March 31, 2024
Friday, March 29, 2024
"Persepolis would be rebuilt in the future as a Baha'i House of Worship"
A statement concerning Persepolis as a future site of a House of Worship is found in a talk delivered by 'Abdu'l-Baha on 18 July 1915. The talk, which deals generally with Iranian civilization prior to Islam and the prospect of its resurgence, has not, to date, been translated into English. It is published in the original language in Abdu'l Hamid Ishraq Khavari's Rahiq-i-Makhtum (Tihran: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 131 B.E.), volume 2, pages 499-503.
The pressure of work at the Baha'i World Centre does not permit
Baha'u'llah's praise for Mirza Yahya's "verses"
Provisional translation:
"The Kitab-i Nur was not sent despite repeated insistence. Do not neglect it. It is very necessary for all the people of the Bayan. Janab-i Mulla Zayn al-Abidin, the blessings of God be upon him, must make a great effort to complete (copying) it. By the Lord of the heavens and earth! Verily, it is a noble and beloved book and the verses [ayat] of the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting. Copy it in the best of handwriting as perfectly as you can. Then read it with love if you desire to ascend to the heavens of attraction and rise to the lofty clouds of sanctity."
You can find the passage in the full text of Baha'u'llah's letter on the official Baha'i website (it's the last paragraph).
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Sir Ronald Storrs and Abdul Baha
Storrs was sympathetic to the Zionist cause and believed in the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. He played a key role in promoting Jewish immigration to Palestine and supporting the development of Jewish institutions and infrastructure in the region. He worked closely with them to advance their goals in Palestine during his time as governor of Jerusalem.
In his memoirs (page 337) he states:
I renewed in Haifa my friendship with Abbas Effendi Abd al-Baha’ and his Bahai followers, whom I had last seen imprisoned in Acre on my visit in 1909. I found him sitting in spotless white, noble as a prophet of Michael Angelo. He placed at my disposal the training and talents of his community, one or two of whom I appointed to positions of confidence which they still continue to deserve.
Many of the leading merchants, realizing how greatly the future prosperity of Jerusalem depended upon its preservation as Jerusalem (and not an inferior Kieff, Manchester or Baltimore), subscribed liberally to our funds; and in Egypt, England and America, Moslems, Christians and Jews, suspicious of any creed, culture or policy other than their own, gave gladly to a Jerusalem which represented all three. I realized then the power of the name of Jerusalem; I realized it even more afterwards when appealing for other countries or causes. I became, I am happy to believe, a convincing and successful Schnorrer. (Yiddish for a professional beggar.) My subscription list, of cheques ranging from £3 to £600, included from Cairo the names of Smouha and Btesh, the Syrian Community, and the editor of the Mokattam; in Jerusalem the Anglo-Egyptian Bank, Sir Abbas Effendi Abd al-Baha, the Mufti, several Jewish firms, the Imperial Ottoman Bank, the Crédit Lyonnais, the Anglo-Palestine Bank, the Banco di Roma, the 51st Sikh Regiment, the Zionist Commission, the Municipality, and the Administration; in Europe and America, Lord Milner, Sir Basil Zaharoff, Lord Northcliffe, Sir Alfred Mond, Mrs Holman Hunt, Mrs Carnegie, Messrs Pierpont Morgan, and Messrs Kuhn, Loeb. I found institutions more generous than individuals, and (especially in America) men than women.
Friday, March 22, 2024
pension money of the Turkish Government and the revenue of Baha's villages
(Baha’ism and Its Claims, By Samuel Graham Wilson)
great success of the Persian Baha'is in teaching the Faith
House of Justice (UHJ), Persian-speaking Baha'is
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Among the reasons offered by the Hands for the great success of the Persian Baha'is in teaching the Faith, in spite of the opposition to which they have always been subjected, were their diligent study of the Teachings and their uncompromising obedience to the spirit of the Baha'i administrative order, and to the majority decision.
Baha'i News, No. 270, Baha'i Year 110, August, 1953
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Titles of Baha'u'llah
The Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Baha is the charter for the World Order of Baha’u’llah.
(From Strength to Strength, The First Half Century of the Formative Age of the Baha’i Era by Eunice Braun)
the Most Great Infallibility... station of Baha'u'llah
Baha'u'llah is the Self of God
(The Concept of Manifestation in the Bahá'í Writings by Juan Cole published in Bahá'í Studies, 9 Ottawa, ON: Bahá'í Studies Publications, 1982)
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Muhammad's covenant
The veterans amongst the Muhajirin, of whom the most outstanding was the aged Abu-Bakr—the third person to believe in Muhammad, His father-in-law, and His companion in the flight from Mecca to Medina—were greatly perturbed, because they thought that should a man of Medina be put at the head of Islam the proud Meccans would refuse to submit, and the unity forged by the Prophet would be irreparably impaired. They all ignored the fact that Muhammad had already named His successor. But ‘Ali was young. These men were rich in years, renowned and honoured. The body of the Prophet lay unburied whilst they argued and argued in His mosque about His successor. Finally ‘Umar presented the venerable Abu-Bakr to the multitude as the viceregent of the Prophet, and he himself was the first to pay homage and declare his allegiance to Abu-Bakr. Others followed suit. Only a handful refrained. But they too eventually submitted when ‘Ali bowed to the inevitable and swore fealty to the Caliph.
Arabia was once again ablaze. Tribe after tribe was reverting to idolatry. ‘Ali would not countenance any contention at the very heart of Islam at such a perilous time. Abu-Bakr was a man of piety and integrity, but the seat which he occupied truly belonged to ‘Ali by the Prophet’s prescription. But ‘Ali would not assert his rightful claim when Islam was compelled to fight desperately for its very life, assailed as it was on all sides by dark forces of reaction, as well as by the rise of false prophets (amongst whom incidentally was a woman). Islam triumphed over the faithless hordes who would have reverted back to barbarism, and soon Arabia was once more united under the banner of Islam, ready and poised to challenge the might of the Byzantine and the Persian Sassanid empires.
But the expressed wish and command of the Prophet had been discarded, His Covenant lay in the dust. By the time that ‘Ali, the true successor, was acclaimed Caliph, after Abu-Bakr, ‘Umar and ‘Uthman, the unity of Islam had been irretrievably shattered and the way paved for the disastrous and irreligious rule of the Umayyids, Muhammad’s traditional enemies. ‘Ali the righteous, of incorruptible nature, high virtue, sound governance, soaring eloquence, profound learning, the Prophet’s Own appointee, was compelled to spend the three short years of his rule containing rebellion and the vaulting ambitions of powerful men who cared nothing for the divine commonwealth founded by Muhammad, but only for their own assumption of power.
(Baha'u'llah - a brief life by H. M. Balyuzi, Page 120)
The Tablet of Wrath by Wahid Azal
Saturday, March 16, 2024
Principles of the Glad-Tidings of Baha'u'llah
2. (a) Peoples and (b) Religions should unite in friendship.
3. A world language and script should be chosen.
4. Baha’is must serve and support any king who protects the Faith.
5. (a) Baha’is must obey their governments. (b) Peoples of the world should aid the Baha’i cause. (c) Weapons of destruction should be converted into instruments of reconstruction.
6. World peace is promised.
7. Freedom of dress is permitted, within the bounds of decency.
8. Priestly celibacy is discouraged.
9. Confession of sins is abolished.
10. Destruction of books is banned.
11. Sciences and arts are commended, provided they are useful.
12. (a) All must learn and earn a livelihood. (b) Work is worship.
13. Affairs of state are entrusted to the House of Justice.
14. Pilgrimages to the shrines of the dead are no longer obligatory and funds for doing so should be contributed to the House of Justice.
15. Republican democracy and kingship are recommended and should ideally be combined.
The Bishárát was a public announcement of the new Bahá’í teachings. Its function was analogous (albeit anachronistically) to a press release, serving not only as a public proclamation but to rectify the inaccuracies and gross misrepresentations that had previously circulated in print.
(Baha’u’llah’s Bishárát (Glad-Tidings): A Proclamation to Scholars and Statesmen, Presented By Christopher Buck & Nahzy Abadi Buck at Grand Canyon Bahá’í Conference, Dec. 24, 2012.)
Mirza Badi‘u’llah was a very learned man - Edward Browne
(Baha’u’llah’s Bishárát (Glad-Tidings): A Proclamation to Scholars and Statesmen, Presented By Christopher Buck & Nahzy Abadi Buck at Grand Canyon Bahá’í Conference, Dec. 24, 2012.)
Friday, March 15, 2024
Muslim and Jewish messianic pretenders who attracted followers from both the Islamic and Jewish community
Although not Shi'i, one of the best known among the Muslim 'mahdis' is the Sudanese popular religious leader Muhammad Ahmad (1844 - 1885). Having travelled in areas neighbouring Sudan, he realised that people were discontent with the rule of the Ottoman-Egyptians and the British. He also sensed a messianic expectation among the masses demonstrated by the wish that the awaited Mahdi would save them. In 1881 Muhammad Ahmad proclaimed himself as the Mahdi and defied the usurpers. He died in 1885 after the fall of Khartoum in that same year but his Mahdist regime ruled Sudan until the Anglo-Egyptian rule was re-established in 1898. This was a national revolution and an Islamic revivalist movement that challenged not only the West but at the same time the authority of the Ottoman Sultan and probably had the potential to unify the Arab Muslims under the Ottomans against the established order.
(Dissent and Heterodoxy in the Late Ottoman Empire - Reformers, Babis and Baha'is by Necati Alkan, Page 39)
Ahmed Effendi returned to Haymana to spread the Baha'i faith but at the same time remained in his position as imam.
(Dissent and Heterodoxy in the Late Ottoman Empire - Reformers, Babis and Baha'is by Necati Alkan, Page 207)
the Bahá’í system of covenant, a system of institutional relationships, from the local level to the global,
(No Jim Crow Church, The Origins of South Carolina’s Bahá’í Community, by Louis Venters)
But be vigilant awake lest one there should be a follower of Ezelis or a covenant-breaker!
But be vigilant awake lest one there should be a follower of Ezelis or a covenant-breaker! The instant that you feel that a person among these Persians is an Ezeli or a covenant-breaker, assuredly and immediately avoid his company for he is the essence of evil.
(Aflame with Devotion by Judy Hannen Moe, p 151)
Thursday, March 14, 2024
one of the most astonishing events which human prejudice has ever created in the world
(Champions of Oneness - Louis Gregory and His Shining Circle, by Janet Ruhe-Schoen, p 87)
the Faith and its institutions had been banned by special order of the Reichsfuhrer Himmler in Germany.
he went to his beloved Switzerland
(A Love Which Does Not Wait, by Janet Ruhe-Schoen, p 57 – 58)
Ruhiyyih purposely orchestrated this evil plan to dismantle the IBC once Shoghi died
Guardianship, House of Justice (UHJ), Personal Observations, Ruhiyyih Khanum, Shoghi Effendi
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The IBC that Shoghi created was not only supposed to be the embryonic Universal house of Justice (UHJ), it was also the symbolic child of Shoghi Effendi. Let me carefully explain.
When Shoghi first created the IBC, he himself didn’t communicate directly with each member face to face nor would he allow them to meet with each other. He would send messages to each member of the IBC by using Ruhiyyih as a liaison. There was a symbolic reason for this.
You see, each member of the IBC represented the different body parts of a child that’s in it’s mother’s womb, with Shoghi representing the mother or head, & Ruhiyyih representing the umbilical cord that passes messages from the head to the different parts.
When Shoghi died, it represented his child or successor being born, which was the IBC that he created. From the moment, the entire Baha’i world was supposed to turn to the IBC for divine guidance while it went through its successive stages from a child (the international Baha’i council & the International Baha’i court) to an adult (the Universal House of Justice).
If Mason Remey (the president of the IBC) were still alive once the IBC completed all its formative stages, then he would automatically become the second guardian. If not, then his successor would become the second guardian once the IBC completed all its formative stages to the Universal House of Justice.
But, as we all know, these divine transformative stages were not allowed to happen when Ruhiyyih & the hands dismantled the IBC, which effectively killed the child & rightful successor of Shoghi Effendi.
You see, Ruhiyyih purposely orchestrated this evil plan to dismantle the IBC once Shoghi died. She knew in advance that the IBC was supposed to be the rightful successor of Shoghi because remember, she was the liaison or umbilical cord of Shoghi that carried all the messages. So, she had direct knowledge of the entire, intended plan.
The reason why she did this because she knew once Shoghi died, she would no longer have a high position in the Baha’i world & would effectively become a regular Baha’i. Think about it. Once a child is born, the umbilical cord is cut off & thrown away because it is no longer needed.
This eventual circumstance was painful for her to accept which she was determined not to allow. So, in order to maintain a high position within the Baha’i world once Shoghi died, she along with the hands dismantled the IBC that Shoghi created & appointed themselves as the custodians of the Baha’i faith.
When this happened, which led to every Baha’i accepting this development, it effectively caused the entire Baha’i world to become covenant-breakers. The Universal House of Justice that exists today is not the real, divine Universe House of Justice that was intended by Baha'u'llah & Abdul-Baha.
It is a empty shell without a head (the guardian). So, it does not possess the divine guidance of Baha'u'llah.
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Badri-Jan, the sister of the murdered Mirza Rida-Quli, sought an interview with Ahmad Big Tawfiq and there accused Baha’u’llah of instigating the murders
Badri-Jan’s efforts backfired. The Governor was so impressed by these writings that he sought out ‘Abdu’l-Baha in order to learn more.
It was as a result of the repeated requests made by Ilyas ‘Abbud that Baha’u’llah consented to receive Ahmad Big Tawfiq. In this interview Baha’u’llah requested the Governor to review the cases of the Baha’is who were held in captivity. The Governor agreed and carefully reviewed each case. All those except the seven responsible for the murders were released in July of 1873.
(Day of Glory, The Life of Baha’u’llah, by Mary Perkins, George Ronald, p 157)
That which can harm Me is the conduct of those who love Me, who claim to be related to Me, and yet perpetrate what causeth My heart and My pen to groan.
It was the latter group, His own disobedient followers, who caused Baha’u’llah the most anguish. “My captivity’, He wrote, ‘cannot harm Me. That which can harm Me is the conduct of those who love Me, who claim to be related to Me, and yet perpetrate what causeth My heart and My pen to groan.’
(Day of Glory, The Life of Baha’u’llah, by Mary Perkins, George Ronald, p 154)
a picture of the mosque in which Bahá’u’lláh prayed in Adrianople
(Baha'i News, No. 332, Baha'i Year 115, October, 1958)
the entire planet would be Baha’i in only 10 years!
The answer to that question, simply, is that all forms of teaching are acceptable, so long as the dignity and principles of the Faith are upheld.
“Teaching by example,” “fireside teaching,” “door-to-door teaching,” “mass teaching,” “public proclamation,” “indirect teaching,” “direct teaching” —though we describe it in many ways, it is all teaching. In fact, the terms are quite irrelevant.
It isn’t important what we call it, or what “method” we choose; what is important is that we do it, and do it continually.
Each Baha'i must assess his or her own abilities, and then arise wholeheartedly to support the teaching work, locally and nationally.
If the Baha'is in this country today were to fulfill the duty given to us by ‘Abdu'l-Baha (to bring one soul into the Faith each year), in only 10 years the Faith would expand in such a manner that the entire planet would be Baha’i in only 10 years!
“There are innumerable ways of teaching the Cause. You can choose the one that suits best your nature and capacity.”
-Shoghi Effendi
we found Baha'u'llah, it being the month of Ramadan, engaged in reading the Qur'an
(The Dawn-Breakers & Nabil's Narrative, Of The Early Days Of The Baha'i Revelation, Translated From The Original Persian And Edited By Shoghi Effendi, Chapter XXV)
Nineteenth Ramadan is the day the Imám Ḥusayn was wounded on the battlefield of Karbilá, and the twenty-first, which commemorates his death!
I immediately threw myself at His feet, held the hem of His robe and entreated Him tearfully saying: ‘O my Beloved! Do not leave me to myself
I immediately threw myself at His feet, held the hem of His robe and entreated Him tearfully saying: ‘O my Beloved! Do not leave me to myself, cause me to move in accordance with Thy Will, and confirm me in my servitude and obedience to Thee.’
‘Abdu’l-Baha bountifully lifted me up with the hand of His power and with a penetrating voice said, ‘God hath confirmed thee in serving His Cause, in elevating His Word, and in spreading His fragrances.’
Abdu’l-Baha said, ‘Because they have not understood the significance of the fast, they have abandoned the primary purpose and have clung to a secondary matter,
‘Abdu’l-Baha said, ‘Because they have not understood the significance of the fast, they have abandoned the primary purpose and have clung to a secondary matter, thus they have become the cause of division. In the early days of Islam this was not so, it has gradually become like this.’ Then He continued, ‘Fasting means abstinence from that which increases the appetite for lust and passion. This has been the wisdom of the fast. Just as people abstain from indulging in food, they should likewise abstain from the promptings of the baser self and protect themselves from their evil effects. However, as it can be seen,’ He said, ‘they dispute with each other over the basic principle and instead of spending their extra time in meditating and pondering upon the Writings, in performing good and charitable deeds, and in suppressing their evil promptings, they are engaged in advancing their personal interests and improving their business.’
(Baha'i World, vol. 19, p 753)
I am He Who feareth no one, though all who are in heaven and all who are on earth rise up against me.…
(Baha'u'llah quoted by Shoghi Effendi in God Passes By)
‘Praise be to God that you have remained in Karbila, and have beheld with your own eyes the countenance of the promised Husayn.”
... while I was passing by the gate of the inner courtyard of the shrine of the Imam Husayn, my eyes, for the first time, fell upon Baha’u’llah. What shall I recount regarding the countenance which I beheld! The beauty of that face, those exquisite features which no pen or brush dare describe, His penetrating glance, His kindly face, the majesty of His bearing, the sweetness of His smile, the luxuriance of His jet-black flowing locks, left an indelible impression upon my soul. I was then an old man, bowed with age. How lovingly He advanced towards me! He took me by the hand and, in a tone which at once betrayed power and beauty, addressed me in these words: ‘This very day I have purposed to make you known as a Babi throughout Karbila.’ Still holding my hand in His, He continued to converse with me. He walked with me all along the market-street, and in the end He said: ‘Praise be to God that you have remained in Karbila, and have beheld with your own eyes the countenance of the promised Husayn.”
(Day of Glory, The Life of Baha’u’llah, by Mary Perkins, George Ronald, p 35)
The Bab agreed the proposal of Baha'u'llah and appointed Mirza Yahya
(Day of Glory, The Life of Baha’u’llah, by Mary Perkins, George Ronald, p 32)
none of the Baha’is would teach their Faith to anyone in ‘Akka
(Day of Glory, The Life of Baha’u’llah, by Mary Perkins, George Ronald, p 133)
After the three deaths, Baha’u’llah revealed for the remainder of the party a short healing prayer
After the three deaths, Baha’u’llah revealed for the remainder of the party a short healing prayer and asked them to chant it repeatedly with the utmost sincerity. Soon all recovered.
(Day of Glory, The Life of Baha’u’llah, by Mary Perkins, George Ronald, p 133)
Abdu’l-Baha promptly slapped him on the face and ordered him to return to his room at once.
Soon after their arrival the Governor of ‘Akka called at the barracks on a tour of inspection. His manner was discourteous in the extreme. He threatened to cut off the bread supply altogether if any of the prisoners attempted to escape. So insulting and provocative were his remarks that the young Husayn-i-Ashchi flung back, in Turkish, an equally ‘insolent reply. ‘Abdu’l-Baha promptly slapped him on the face and ordered him to return to his room at once. At that moment the Governor began to realize that he was not dealing’ with common criminals. He soon consented to change the inedible black bread for a small allowance and permitted four of the prisoners to go out each day, under guard, to buy provisions for the whole party.
(Day of Glory, The Life of Baha’u’llah, by Mary Perkins, George Ronald, p 131)
Monday, March 11, 2024
when Baha'u'llah and his son and successor Abbas Effendi died, the Sunni clergy conducted their funeral services.
(The Baha'i Faith, William McElwee Miller, p 121-122)
Saturday, March 9, 2024
Some earliest Baha'is were expelled from the Baha’i faith because they shared the desire for a more free-thinking, liberal Baha’i faith.
(A Lost History of the Baha’i Faith, preface)
Friday, March 8, 2024
Abbas Effendi was a book burner. His father was too
Abuse, Censorship, Edward Browne, Personal Observations
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Why do you people lie so much in the face of the undeniably obvious? Abbas Effendi was a book burner. His father was too despite what he is made to say in this quote.
(Wahid Azal)
According to Abdul Baha, Baha'is are not allowed to own some books
(From a letter dated 2 October 1906 to an individual believer)
Thursday, March 7, 2024
fewer Bahais would get themselves in these intellectual tangles.
-Sen McGlinn
Institute of disenrollment
Infallible UHJ's learning experience
Converting People, House of Justice (UHJ), Infallibility
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(The Nine Year Plan: 2022–2031, Messages of the Universal House of Justice, 180 B.E. Edition, Paragraph 52)
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
God will verily inspire them with whatsoever He willeth
(The Nine Year Plan: 2022–2031, Messages of the Universal House of Justice, 180 B.E. Edition, Paragraph 22 and 23)