This is one of the things that frustrates me the most about the Baha'i religion; they only speak out (timidly at best) on something when it becomes abundantly popular to do so, and they feel like they have to "keep up". God forbid they do the right thing just because it's the right thing, and there is nothing to "gain" from doing it.
Before I saw that video, I had not seen or read anything kind about Palestinians from Baha'i material. In fact, a common "argument" that I heard from Bahai's was that God gave the land back to the Jews to punish Muslims for rejecting Baha'u'llah, and because Bahai's would be treated better by a Zionist government than if the Palestinian Muslims were in charge.
Aside from how selfish that idea is (but with Baha'i institutions, it's always about how they are treated by others, not the other way around), it is also contradictory, which tracks for Bahai's. According to official Baha'i accounts, the funeral processions for both Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha were attended by Muslim, Jewish, and Christian leaders/followers who loved them. They all knew that the Bahai's had their own religion, but a lot of Bahai's think that the Muslims thought 'Abdu'l-Baha was a Muslim, and that is why they adored him.
Well, that argument is even worse for Bahai's, because that indicates that 'Abdu'l-Baha practiced taqiyyah (dissimulation), which is prohibited in the Kitab-i-Aqdas.
Aside from the specific issue of Palestinian human rights, which is so important, I think it goes deeper than that alone. There isn't a non-Muslim dictatorship that the Baha'i institutions don't love. They love "order" more than justice, and do everything they can to appease dictators to let them know that they won't make any waves. If that means looking the other way when innocent people are being harmed, then so be it.
I remember reading an article many years ago, about a former Haitian dictator and his treatment of Bahai's during his regime. Apparently he was roommates with a Baha'i in college, and his experience with this roommate was so life changing that he never oppressed the Bahai's during his tenure as dictator. The obvious implication of the article is that Bahai's should be nice to everyone in case one of them becomes a dictator, and said dictator will spare them because of the good memories they have? I don't know. It was a bizarre article with a weird premise. The other implication is that the people who were oppressed "deserved" it, I guess.
Self-preservation is key for them, outside of Iran where rank and file Bahai's are indoctrinated to be martyrs so that the institutions can pull on the heartstrings of the rest of the world. It's disgusting. There is an old account where an Iranian Baha'i mother told her son that she would disown him if he simply told the government what it wanted to hear. Not wanting to disappoint his mother, he allowed himself to be executed by the State. This is supposed to be an "inspiring" story.
I know that this is a long reply, but the Baha'i institutions are very concerned about their proximity to political power, and they know that they can't say anything critical about Israel due to most of their holy sites being there. A lot of their money comes from Bahai's going on pilgrimage to Haifa and Akka (Acre). This also helps the Israeli tourism industry. It's not all about the money, but the cash is important.
Mainly, however, is that the Baha'i institutions hold a big grudge against Muslims, and were ecstatic when the Zionist government officially took over. Shoghi Effendi fantasized over how long God would punish Muslims (all of them, not just the ones who hurt Bahai's) for what "they" did to the Bab, Baha'u'llah, their followers, etc.
He used strange math, comparing how long Jews were persecuted by Christians for their ancestors persecuting Christ for three years; and extrapolated that Muslims would be punished for even longer because "they" persecuted the Bab and Baha'u'llah for a collective 50 years, which would amount to about a minimum of 31,666 years of punishment. It's super bizarre.
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