Tuesday, May 30, 2023
"In Turkey, a Bahá’í family invited a neighbour who had expressed an interest in the Faith to a fireside. She said, "I have devoted my life to helping people, to the benefit of all, and God, as a return, He led me to meet you. It is a prize for me." She and her two sons accepted the Faith."A pioneer in Hong Kong, sensing receptivity to the study of...
Monday, May 29, 2023
What makes Baha'u'llah a sham? by MirzaJan on Reddit
Inconsistent claims and stupid laws of the Bab. The crimes and evil acts of the Babis, including the use of drugs, weapons, etc.The greatest scandal after the death of the Bab was the hijacking of the Babi movement by Baha'u'llah. The conflict between the Azalis and the Baha'is. The 'high quality' of abuses and curses (also by Baha'u'llah) that even...
Sunday, May 28, 2023
Some Baha'i scandals by Dale Husband
Here's a list of some scandals:The Violation of Abdu’l-Baha – Baha’u’llah in the The Kitáb-i-Ahd, or Book of the Covenant (his Will and Testament) appointed Abdu’l-Baha as his successor, but also stated that Abdu’l-Baha’s younger brother Mirza Muhammad Ali should be below him in rank and also be his immediate successor. Abdu’l-Baha disobeyed this commandment...
Saturday, May 27, 2023
Those who were connected to Baha'u'llah
Baha'u'llah's bread-maker was titled as "The Bread-maker of God", his amanuensis was titled as "Khadim'u'llah (the servant of God)", his barber was titled as "the barber of God", his tailor was titled as, "the tailor of God", his friends were titled as "the friends of Go...
Descendants of Baha'u'llah gradually integrated themselves into Islamic society.
In 1948 a fierce political upheaval erupted in the Holy Land. The State of Israel was founded, bringing an end to the British Mandate. War broke out between Arabs and Jews and a great many Arabs fled the country. During this period Shoghi Effendi remained in Haifa and, in the face of great dangers and severe difficulties, carried on his work as usual,...
The Baha'i Covenant
...the degree to which "The Covenant" is fallacious has increased over time. During Abdul Baha's lifetime, he used "The Covenant" to refer to the idea that Baha'is should obey Baha'u'llah's Will at all costs. During Shoghi Effendi's time "The Covenant" meant Baha'is must disobey Baha'u'llah's Will in favor of Abdul Baha's Will and Testament of dubious...
They need to know what the Baha'i Faith is all about
America (United States), Baha'i Activities, Converting People
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A goal of the Bloomington conference is for every Baha’i to bring a friend of the Faith. To do this, though, the non-Baha’is need to be prepared for a truly Baha'i conference.They need to know what the Baha’i Faith is all about and who Bahá’u’lláh claims to be.The American Baha'i, Volume 18, No. 12 December 1...
Baha'i faith about Palestinians and Muslims
I did see a video on YouTube a few years ago, where a Baha'i scholar gave a speech about Abdul-Baha warning the Palestinians of the Zionist plans to eventually possess all of the land for their political-religious movement; but this felt very too little, too late. It felt like Baha'i PR to make it seem like the institutions care about Palestinian human...
Friday, May 26, 2023
The Qiblih is indeed He Whom God will make manifest; whenever He moveth, it moveth, until He shall come to rest.
When ye desire to perform this prayer, turn ye towards the Court of My Most Holy Presence, this Hallowed Spot that God hath … decreed to be the Point of Adoration for the denizens of the Cities of Eternity ¶6The “Point of Adoration,” that is, the point to which the worshiper should turn when offering obligatory prayer, is called the Qiblih. The concept...
More scandals in the Baha'i faith
Guardianship, Personal Observations, Subh-i-Azal
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There is a lot to cover, but I think it is important to begin where it started; the Bab appointed Subh-i-Azal (Mirza Yahya) as his successor, not Baha'u'llah (Mirza Husayn Ali). This is an objective historical fact that even Baha'i narratives can't completely ignore. To "fix the problem", they said that the Bab only appointed Subh-i-Azal as a "figurehead"...
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
I have met not a single one who could be called honest or faithful in the full sense of these words
...There is no conscience with them [i.e. the Baha'is], they keep to no principle, they tell you what is untrue, ignoring or denying undoubted historical facts, and this is the character of both the leader and the led...As to morality and honesty, the whole system has proved disappointing...I have been in contact with many Baha'is, and have had dealings...
Saturday, May 20, 2023
Baha'u'llah's claims in Edirne and Acre
A full discussion of the claims eventually advanced by Bahā Allāh in Edirne and Acre would take us far beyond the dates assigned to this survey and would involve a lengthy and complex analysis of the abundant scriptural materials available. I shall instead conclude by drawing attention once more to a point I have mentioned elsewhere, namely that Bahāʾ...
Monday, May 15, 2023
Impressions of the visitors at the Baha'i Temple of Chicago
When asked how well they agree with various statements about the Baha'i Faith, most survey respondents agreed that the Faith has positive spiritual values and attractive ideals. The majority also agreed that the Faith is a worldwide fellowship of believers (58%), and is a good religion (53%). Fewer visitors agreed the Faith is a cult (25%), made them...
he will undoubtedly be deprived of the blessings of the Abha Kingdom.
The teaching work should under all conditions be actively pursued by the believers because divine confirmations are dependent upon it. Should a Baha'i refrain from being fully, vigorously and wholeheartedly involved in the teaching work he will undoubtedly be deprived of the blessings of the Abha Kingdom.-Shoghi Effendihttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVvjVM64Gxo('Focus...
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
“Go to Acre and see God.”
Browne spent more time in Kirman than any other place in the country, and met a wide range of people of all backgrounds, as he himself observed: “In no town which I visited in Persia did I make so many friends and acquaintances of every grade of society, and every shade of piety and impiety, as at Kirman.” During his stay in Kirman, Browne lodged in...
Saturday, May 6, 2023
The "manifestation" (mazhar), or re-incarnation, of Kurratu'l-'Ayn.
Thursday, 18th July, 9th Dhi'l-ka'da.--Towards evening I went into the town and called at the post-office, where the postmaster lent me a poem in praise of Beha, composed by one Na'im of Abade, a poor man of no education, whose power of verse-writing is regarded by his co-religionists as a divine gift, and little short of miraculous. His verses are...
The souls of the infidels
The souls of the infidels, however, shall—and to this I bear witness—when breathing their last be made aware of the good things that have escaped them, and shall bemoan their plight, and shall humble themselves before God. They shall continue doing so after the separation of their souls from their bodies. It is clear and evident that all men shall,...
Thursday, May 4, 2023
re-interment of the remains of Mírzá Muḥammad-Quli and eleven members of his family
It is with a feeling of joy and gratitude that we inform the Bahá’í world of the befitting re-interment of the remains of Mírzá Muḥammad-Quli, the faithful half-brother and companion in exile of Bahá’u’lláh, and of eleven members of his family, in a new Bahá’í cemetery on a hillside looking across Lake Kinneret and the hills of Galilee towards the...
A Summary of the Directives as Given By Shoghi Effendi
National Spiritual Assembly aided by Public Relations, Race Unity, Public Meetings, Visual Education, College Speakers Bureau and Radio Committees1. Reinforce proclamation of verities to masses through press and radio2. Make closer contact with leaders of public thought, with colleges and universities, with newspaper and magazine editors3. Further...
Do not try to convert them; it is of no use now. When he dies, they will all become Baha'is.
Converting People, Covenant-Breakers, Shoghi Effendi
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When you meet up with members of this group (New History Society or Caravan), ignore them. Do not try to convert them; it is of no use now. When he dies, they will all become Baha'is. Our enemy is doing us a favor. Ignore them and be confident. Do not be afraid.Sohrab’s organization did not survive his death in 1958. His wife and daughter ‘completely...