The Qayyúm al-asmá’ is generally agreed to have been the first work written by Shírází after 22 May 1844. We have already quoted (Abbás Effendi, who mistakenly describes it as ‘the first book (nakhustín kitáb) ever written by the Báb. He may very well have taken the idea from a passage in his father’s Kitáb-i íqán, where the Qayyúm al-asmá’ is described as ‘the first, greatest, and grandest of all books’ (awwal wa a‘zam wa akbar-i jamí‘-i kutub).
(The sources for early Bábí doctrine and history A survey by Denis MacEoin)
The Babi LawsThe apparent tolerance shown in the many positive statements made in the Bayān is quite contradicted by a string of very harsh regulations governing r…Read More
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