One Christian missionary, in his book, writes:
In February of this year (1905), another professed convert from Islam to Christianity came to Beirut. His name is Ibrahim Effendi from Bagdad—a man about thirty-five years of age, of scholarly bearing, refined and courteous. He said he was the brother of the wife of Abbas Effendi, the new Babi religious head, who last year succeeded Beha Allah in Acre. Threatened three years ago in Bagdad because he would not become a Babi, he fled to Deir on the Euphrates and practiced pharmacy, and from there came to Beirut. He was looking for a place where he could work for Moslems without restriction from the government. I wrote to Mr. Zwemer at Bahrein about him, and on reaching Alexandria, April 28th, I found him there an attendant on the religious services of Rev. Dr. Ewing.
(Henry Harris Jessup, Fifty-Three Years In Syria, Volume 2, Page 605)
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