The Greatest Holy Leaf’s Unparalleled Role in Religious History and the Significance of the Arc, the Site of Her Resting Place by Baharieh Rouhani Ma`ani
America (United States), Baha'i Law, Covenant-Breakers, Punishment
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(Message from the Universal House of Justice, 17 October 1979)
America (United States), Censorship, Converting People, Hinduism
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Abdul-Baha, Abuse, Baha'i Activities, Dissimulation, Loyalty, Palestine, Politics, Spying
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They implored His blessings, and kissed His feet. The Bab expressed his appreciation towards each one of them individually and assured them that He would pray for them.
(The Herald and His Heroes)
Mulla Husayn needed no further proof. With tears in his eyes, he prostrated himself before the Manifestation of God.
(The New Garden)
...passing one day before its gates, paused and gazing in saw Bahá'u'lláh seated beneath the shade of the mulberry tree, 'that canopy not made with hands,' and remembering the prophecy in the Qur'an, he recognized his Lord and hastened to prostrate himself at His feet.
When Varqa heard this, he was so filled with joy and excitement that he fell prostrate at Bahá'u'lláh's feet and begged Him to make it possible for him and one of his sons to lay down their lives in the path of the Master. Bahá'u'lláh favoured him with His acceptance. When he returned to Persia, Varqa wrote to Bahá'u'lláh and renewed his plea for martyrdom, a plea to which He again favourably responded. And, as we shall see later, this happened; he was martyred during the Ministry of 'Abdu'l-Bahá.
Referring to the perversity of people, and especially religious leaders, Bahá'u'lláh in a Tablet to Mulla 'Ali-Akbar asserts that these unfortunate beings are unaware of the truth of the Cause of God. If only they could attain His presence during the time of revelation when the verses of God are being sent down, each one of them would be so carried away as to become humble and prostrate himself at the feet of his Lord.
When the ship reached Haifa the very thought of prostrating ourselves at His threshold and attaining His presence which the Prophets and His chosen ones had wished to attain invoked such eagerness and excitement in our hearts that with tears streaming down our cheeks, we were transported into a different world. We arrived at a spot where the souls of all the Manifestations of God were circumambulating day and night around His Blessed Person.
One day before sunrise a servant of Bahá'u'lláh's household informed us that His Blessed Person would be coming to our house. On hearing this news tears of joy flowed from our eyes With infinite joy we hastened to Him. He was coming toward our house with great majesty and grandeur. We all prostrated ourselves and kissed His feet.
(The Revelation of Baháʼuʼlláh by Adib Taherzadeh - 1988)
This time I went forward immediately, stepping on the backs of people who lay prostrate in front of me, until I reached Him. I prostrated myself at His feet and kissed them.
(The Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh Volume 3 by Adib Taherzadeh)
...On most occasions when we were summoned to the presence of ‘Abdu’l-Baha in His reception-room, I noticed that an old man, short in stature, with a white beard and brown complexion, arrived in the room after everyone else. First he would prostrate himself at the threshold of the room [‘Abdu’l-Baha’s], then he would enter, bow to the waist and, when ‘Abdu’l-Baha acknowledged him, sit at the threshold.
(The Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh Volume 1 by Adib Taherzadeh)
And when he [Aqa ‘Azizu’llah] attained the presence of Baha’u’llah, he went down on his knees to kiss His feet.
(Eminent Bahá’ís in the time of Bahá’u’lláh)
‘Andalib, overtaken by grief and with tears flowing, exclaimed, ‘O, Baha! O, Baha!’ He gave us permission to leave. Immersed in sorrow and with hearts consumed with grief, we prostrated ourselves at His feet, circumambulated Him, and left the room. Mr Samandari recalled the verse Baha'u'llah repeated that day from the Most Holy Book: Be not dismayed, O peoples of the world, when the daystar of My beauty is set, and the heaven of My tabernacle is concealed from your eyes. Arise to further My Cause, and to exalt My Word amongst men. We are with you at all times, and shall strengthen you through the power of truth.
(Ṭarázu’lláh Samandarí, Lights of Fortitude)
His blessed Person we beheld, coming with all power and glory towards our house. We all prostrated ourselves and kissed His feet. We made the earth trodden by His blessed feet the kohl of our eyes...
(Bahá’u’lláh - The King of Glory)
At first he prostrated himself at the entrance to the corridor, then approached the room and again prostrated himself at its threshold. He He then entered, bowed low before ‘Abdu’l Baha and stood there until ‘Abdu’l-Baha indicated to him to be seated...
(The Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh Volume 1 by Adib Taherzadeh)
He (Dayyan) recognized the station of Baha’u’llah, acknowledged His Faith and prostrated himself at His feet.
(The Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh Volume 1 by Adib Taherzadeh)
Many of them prostrated themselves at His feet and kissed them.
(The Covenant of Bahá’u’lláh)
When my turn came I prostrated myself as I entered, kissed the threshold and kneeled before ‘Abdu’l-Baha He pointed to a chair and invited me to sit on it.
(Against Incredible Odds)
The Master came forward, while my husband prostrated himself and the Master embraced him...
(Visiting ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Volume 1)
D’Evelyn, a devoted Baha’i, came running as soon as he saw the Master and prostrated himself at His feet.
(Maḥmúd’s Diary)
I read a letter from Haji Mirza Haydar-‘Ali and, on his behalf, prostrated myself at the feet of the Master.
(Maḥmúd’s Diary)
She would prostrate herself at the Master’s feet and beg him tearfully to allow her to go to Persia and proclaim the Faith as Táhirih had done...
(Lua Getsinger)
Haji Mirza Haydar-‘Ali, upon hearing of Covenant-breaking activity in London, had thrown himself at the Master’s feet and begged to be sent there in spite of his 88 years.
(Visiting ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Volume 2)
The novelty of seeing American women prostrate themselves before the Baha’i leader, clad in long flowing robe and turban was a sensation for the patrons of the hotel.
(The Apostle of Peace Volume One)
At first, the pilgrims tried to prostrate themselves at the feet of the Guardian as they would have done with ‘Abdu-Baha, but Shoghi Effendi quickly prevented the action...
(Shoghi Effendi Through the Pilgrim’s Eye, Vol 1)
And I knew that in his station he was “protected from error”. Ali Kuli Khan had told me that he had prostrated himself before the Guardian and had been told to rise.
(Fires in Many Hearts)
(Siyyid Muṣṭafá Rúmí)
Dhikrullah Khadem, Hand of the Cause of God says:
Friends, the beloved Shoghi Effendi gave me many assignments, One of the assignments that I had was to be as errand for the God, a peon to send His, to announce His cables or to deliver to the National Assembly, to the individuals, to different countries and that was, that continued for over 22-23 years all the time. And that was the most joyful times of my life. When I went home and I asked, “Was there any cable?” Yes. [‘’counting’’] One, two, three, four, five. Sometimes five cables a day and I simply acknowledge by cable. I made ablution. I prayed and opened these gates and sent and delivered to whoever it was addressed. This was one of the assignments that I had and until the time that he passed, the beloved Shoghi Effendi passed.
Dhikrullah Khadem, Hand of the Cause of God says:
And I tell you, these wonderful souls, many of them in the Abhá Kingdom now. They enjoy the presence of their beloved Shoghi Effendi, in the presence of the Báb, Bahá’u’lláh, and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.
America (United States), Money, Shoghi Effendi, Temple
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Dhikrullah Khadem, Hand of the Cause of God says:
Fred Schopflocher. Again, Canadian. That wonderful man, this great man. I met him in Chicago at the Intercontinental Conference, and I heard that there was a time that the House of Worship, the building was stopped because of lack of money. And he was in the presence of the Guardian. In the presence of the beloved Shoghi Effendi, he offered $100,000 at that time that the building be continued, and that brought tears to the eyes of the beloved Shoghi Effendi. And we were sitting together, and when I mentioned to him, he just pressed my hand and changed the subject. He didn't want that to be mentioned. These are our heroes and heroines. These are the treasures of the Cause in this Revelation, just igniting “Yá Bahá'u'l-Abhá”. Can any of the past religions show such devotion from, shown by anyone of these wonderful souls?
Dhikrullah Khadem, Hand of the Cause of God says:
We had a [?]. The nonBaháʼís custodian of the mosque of Sepahsālār, which is the greatest mosque in Tehran, the mosque and school. The Shah of Persia is custodian. He was acting for the Shah. I don't mention his name just in order to avoid anything for the family or if he's alive. He attended the presence of the Guardian, and coming back to Persia to Tehran, he sent a message to the National Assembly that he wanted to meet some of the Baháʼís just to express his gratitude to the beloved Shoghi Effendi that he had bounty to be in his presence. So he was invited, that great Mullah, well known. And when he came and the National Assembly arranged for a meeting, he discussed, he told us about the beloved Shoghi Effendi and he said, “I don't know where did he go learn Persian. He’d never been in Persia.” And he spoke about the gardens of the Holy Shrine of the Báb. He said if you employ 100 gardens, gardeners, they cannot make such a beautiful job that the beloved Shoghi Effendi has done only with two gardeners. This was amazing. And after this, he said, “I haven't heard any of the writings of the beloved Guardian. Have you any?” We had that Centenary Tablet. And when it was recited, it was chanted, he became so humble, this great Mullah, the greatest. And then he said, “Oh, God, my God. This is the style of ʿAlī, the Imam ʿAlī. I can’t see any difference.” And the words that he said, I put it down and it was mentioned to the Guardian, reported to him. He said, “The owner, the one who wrote these passages has [?], has innate knowledge from God.” That was his expression about the Guardian.
Another one, the writer, newspaper man, in a meeting in the court of the Shah, the members were there, and some of the writers, some of the ministers in the Cabinet. The man came and they asked him to speak about his trip. He said the thing that I can share with you is that I've been in the presence of the Guardian, Shoghi Effendi. And then he said, “Just imagine Saadi.” Like Shakespeare to the British and English people. He said, “I just could see and you can see that Saadi was sitting there and speaking with that fellow [?].” That was his expression about the beloved Shoghi Effendi. And the Dean of the University of Literature in Persian literature, again I don't mention his name, he announced in the university that if there was one person in the whole world to write good Persian, it’s Shoghi Effendi. Through his messages and through that knowledge that this Mullah said, the innate knowledge of the Guardian, we have all these writings of the Guardian, and the guidance until next manifestation of Bahá’u’lláh.
Azali, Bab, Baha'u'llah, Money, Punishment, Subh-i-Azal
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To underline ‘Abduh’s irenic attitude, Arslan not only mentions his regular contacts with Christian dignitaries but also the esteem in which he held his own Druze community. ‘Abduh comes across in his account as somebody who was more impressed by a person’s erudition and cosmopolitan outlook than their religious background. Arslan highlights this attitude in particular when he introduces ‘Abduh’s relationship with ‘Abbas Eff endi. Also known as ‘Abd al-Baha’ (1844–1921), ‘Abbas Effendi was the son of Husayn ‘Ali Nuri Baha’ Allah (1817– 1892), an Iranian aristocrat who was then exiled in ‘Akka, Palestine, at that time leader of the Babi movement out of which the Baha’i Faith emerged. Arslan mentions the particular enmity ‘Abduh’s teacher Afghani exhibited towards the Babis in order to point that despite the doctrinal differences that might have existed between the two, ‘Abduh held ‘Abbas Effendi in high esteem and enjoyed his company and erudition. 98 Th at ‘Abbas Effendi’s father as founding figure of a new religious movement made claims to post-Qur’anic revelation did not concern ‘Abduh in particular. In a conversation with his disciple Rida later in his life, ‘Abduh appears unaware of the nature of the Baha’i Faith and the prophetic claims of its founder and rather praises ‘Abbas Effendi’s character.
-Oliver Scharbrodt, Muhammad ‘Abduh - Modern Islam and the Culture of Ambiguity, I. B. Tauris (2022)
In December an American woman was brought ashore from a steamer and placed in St. John’s Hospital in Beirut in a state of collapse. When sufficiently revived to speak, she said she was Mrs. ____ of Chicago, and had left contrary to her husband’s request to visit the Bab Incarnation, Abbas Effendi of Acre. She was literally starved through seasickness, and before her death, she moaned and mourned her folly in leaving her husband and home to visit the “Master” Abbas. An autopsy revealed perforation of the coats of the stomach. The poor woman had taken this long journey alone and must have suffered untold agonies, ignorant of the language and helpless through seasickness in a winter voyage. Yet to what lengths of exposure will religious delusion drive people ! This Holy Land is the happy hunting-ground of cranks and visionaries of all stripes, Oriental and Occidental.
One of the recent woman pilgrims to the shrine of Abbas Effendi was an English-speaking woman who stated that she had been successively an Agnostic, Christian Scientist, and Theosophist and now was going to try Abbasism. Palestine, whether it ever witnesses the turning of the Jews from Europe and America to their old fatherland or not, is certainly now witnessing the "turning of the cranks."
Abdul-Baha, Christians, Money, Muhammed Ali (Ghusn)
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In March, 1901, Rev. Mr. Bray of Wisconsin dined with Mohammed Ali and Bedea Effendi, brothers of Abbas. They showed him the tomb of their father, Beha Allah, who they insisted was an incarnation of the Holy Ghost "What," said Mr. Bray, "is this the tomb of a dead Holy Ghost ?" Mohammed Effendi was perplexed and made no reply.
Any religious system which depends on the life of one man or family must tumble one day from its foundation of sand.
I left Abbas Effendi with the painful feeling that he was accepting divine honours from simple-minded women from America and receiving their gifts of gold, without a protest or rebuke.
I hear that his younger brother, Bedea, has become reconciled to him, but I would not guarantee that his main object is not to gain his share of the money which is in the possession of Abbas Effendi. It is not long since he was threatening to kill Abbas,and assassination is an old fashion of Persian fanatics.
Abdul-Baha, Abuse, Converting People, Punishment
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One Christian missionary, in his book, writes:
In February of this year (1905), another professed convert from Islam to Christianity came to Beirut. His name is Ibrahim Effendi from Bagdad—a man about thirty-five years of age, of scholarly bearing, refined and courteous. He said he was the brother of the wife of Abbas Effendi, the new Babi religious head, who last year succeeded Beha Allah in Acre. Threatened three years ago in Bagdad because he would not become a Babi, he fled to Deir on the Euphrates and practiced pharmacy, and from there came to Beirut. He was looking for a place where he could work for Moslems without restriction from the government. I wrote to Mr. Zwemer at Bahrein about him, and on reaching Alexandria, April 28th, I found him there an attendant on the religious services of Rev. Dr. Ewing.
(Henry Harris Jessup, Fifty-Three Years In Syria, Volume 2, Page 605)