I asked again, and he replied, "Don't ask! I am afraid I may be driven out of paradise. You see, I always lock the bathroom door when I bathe. This time I neglected to make sure that the door was locked. When the Master knocked on the bathroom door and called my name, without thinking I asked Him to come in. He opened the door while I was naked. I was terribly embarrassed: I realized I had done what Adam did!"
Memories of Nine Years in Akka by Youness Afroukhteh translated by Riaz Masrour.
Abdul Baha's 'eyes of the spirit'Say that Abdul-Baha has considered every one of the letters with the
eyes of the spirit, has read each, and through the valid messenger—that
is, thr…Read More
Rebelling against an earthly rulerAsked if it were ever right to rebel against an earthly ruler, Abdul Baha replied: Yes, if he deals unjustly and tyrannically with his people he forfe…Read More
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