Monday, July 31, 2017
Baha'u'llah is the Supreme Manifestation of God, all others are servants unto Him.
Abdul-Baha, Baha'u'llah, Christians, Covenant, Islam, Jews, Will & Testament
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The House of Justice enacteth the laws and the government enforceth them.
Abdul-Baha, Guardianship, New World Order (NWO), Will & Testament, World Peace
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It is incumbent upon the guardian of the Cause of God to appoint in his own life-time him that shall become his successor
Guardian of the Cause of God is its sacred head and the distinguished member for life of that body.
Abdul-Baha, Guardianship, House of Justice (UHJ), Will & Testament
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Divorced from the institution of the Guardianship the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh would be mutilated
Abdul-Baha, Guardianship, Shoghi Effendi, Will & Testament
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Guardianship from generation to generation.
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Abdul Baha opened the door while I was naked.
Entry by troops will remain the focus of the global Plans
Baha'i Activities, Converting People, Entry by Troops, House of Justice (UHJ)
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"No Publisher Has the Right to Alter Author's Manuscript" but many Bahá'í books have had significant edits, deletions, and additions since their authors' deaths
The Bible is not wholly authentic, and in this respect is not to be compared with the Quran
Baha'u'llah, Christians, Islam, Jews, Quran, Shoghi Effendi
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These religions are not the only true religions that have appeared in the world, but are the only ones still existing.
Baha'i censorship
Unity of nations will be established in twentieth century.
Abdul-Baha, House of Justice (UHJ), Prophecy, Shoghi Effendi, World Peace
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The friends should uphold Islam as a revealed Religion...but need not make, any particular attempt to teach it...
Baha'u'llah, Imam Ali, Imam Husayn, Islam, Shoghi Effendi
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How can we belong to a church which does not accept Bahá'u'lláh and His message?
Local Spiritual Assemblies according to the UHJ
House of Justice (UHJ), Money, New World Order (NWO), NSA
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Mirza Yahya was nominated by the Bab
Azali, Baha'u'llah, House of Justice (UHJ), Subh-i-Azal
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‘Abdu’l-Bahá immediately chastened His attendant by slapping him hard in the face
Saturday, July 29, 2017
She donned the Persian chader and veil
Abdul Baha about the belief of certain Hindus.
Abdul Baha: "Jinabi Tahirih had a good appetite."
Friday, July 28, 2017
A bee was circling His Blessed Temple.
Abdul Baha slapped him in the ear, lifted him and threw him down from the height of the building.
The Unseen, the Inaccessible, the Transcendent One lamenteth and weepeth...
Baha'u'llah is God !?
Disbandment of Haifa Spiritual Assembly
In 1961, a cable from the Custodians declared Mason Remey to be a Convenant-breaker.
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Shoghi Effendi received guidance from God!
Achieving widespread publicity
Baha'u'llah 'alone' can bring them peace and justice and an ordered life.
Baha'u'llah, Converting People, Covenant, House of Justice (UHJ)
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Convert an increasing number of them into firmly founded groups
What is the "Universal House of Justice" doing?
Converting People, House of Justice (UHJ), New World Order (NWO)
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Birth of a child out of wedlock
‘Abdu’l-Bahá's 'Divine Plan"
Abdul-Baha, Entry by Troops, New World Order (NWO), Prophecy
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Tuesday, July 25, 2017
The financial condition of NSA of US in 1995
Affiliation with Faith Alone is Insufficient
Baha'i Law, Covenant, House of Justice (UHJ), Shoghi Effendi, Takfir
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You must not dissociate yourself from Church
Abdul-Baha, Christians, Freemasonry, Islam, Jews
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Greatest Name for blessing and protection.
Teach ye the Cause of God, O people of Bahá
Monday, July 24, 2017
Baha’u’llah says about his own descendents!
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Americans will be familiar with the Bahaists from Persia
Friday, July 21, 2017
During Abdul Baha's stay in Haifa clean and appropriate baths were not available in the city...
Abdul-Baha, Baha'i Law, Independent Investigation of Truth, Science
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Baha'u'llah as Imam Husayn in dreams of people.
Abdul Baha was regarded as a Moslem notable in Palestine
he had only a hard slap in the face from 'Abdu'l-Baha
Islamic traditions that pointed to 'Abdu'l-Baha!
Who was responsible for Baha'u'llah's sufferings (2) !?
Abuse, Bab, Baha'u'llah, Converting People, Godhood, History, Imam Husayn, Juan Cole, Russia
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Who was responsible for Baha'u'llah's sufferings (1) !?
The Martyrdom of Bab & his Remains
Azali, Bab, History, Independent Investigation of Truth, Subh-i-Azal
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Ungrammatical writings of the Bab
Bab, Edward Browne, Independent Investigation of Truth, Subh-i-Azal
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Edward Browne considered the Azalis more reliable than the Baha'is
Azali, Bab, Edward Browne, Independent Investigation of Truth
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In 1986, the NSA of the United States formally dissolved the LSA of Los Angeles.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Official Bahá'í Funeral Service for Believers Only
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Semen is not unclean
Huququ'lláh is NOT to be paid to the UHJ
Baha'i Law, Baha'u'llah, House of Justice (UHJ), Huququ'llah, Pilgrims' Notes, Ruhiyyih Khanum
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Monday, July 17, 2017
David Kelly, a Bahá’í, was found dead from an apparent suicide
Sunday, July 16, 2017
The power to ex-communicate lies with the Guardian alone.
Baha'i Law, Covenant-Breakers, Sanctions, Shoghi Effendi, Takfir
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A Bahá'í deprived of his voting rights cannot be married in a Bahá'í marriage ceremony
Baha'i Law, House of Justice (UHJ), NSA, Punishment, Sanctions
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Bahá'í law of Zakát
Baha'i Law, Baha'u'llah, House of Justice (UHJ), Islam, Quran, Shoghi Effendi
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Punishments will be applied by the Universal House of Justice.
We neither take sides in the present tragic dispute between Israel and Palestine!
Two Baha'i Opium traders
Where a reformer comes out hating his opponent, one might as well distrust that reform from the start.
Three kind of Baha'i Status
Extreme punishment of deprivation of voting rights
Friday, July 14, 2017
Greatest and most fundamental principle of the Baha'i Faith
Abdul Baha warns his followers about his brother.
Abdul-Baha, Covenant-Breakers, Muhammed Ali (Ghusn)
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'The Afnan in China' was the main contact for opium traders.
Baha'is killed 3 Azalis
Babis were using Opium
Babis were engaged in Opium Trade
Shoghi Effendi excommunicated his brother for marrying a lowborn Christian girl
Abuse, Christians, Covenant-Breakers, Shoghi Effendi
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Thursday, July 13, 2017
Acquisition of vitally-needed property
The dead should be buried with their face turned towards the Qiblih.
You have shown insincerity... we are not going to readmit you to the Bahá'í community
The significance of the number nine...
Is Bab buried in Haifa, Israel?
Account of Baha attempting to poison Subh-i-Azal from Azali source
A Prophet can kill anyone whom he perceives to be an enemy to religion
Baha'u'llah - Bayan is not abrogated
The Kitab-i-Badi
Abuse, Baha'u'llah, Provisional Translation, Subh-i-Azal
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