Saturday, June 15, 2024
At the time when Shoghi Effendi produced Nabíl’s Narrative, the Covenant-breakers spread a rumour among their Arab friends that Shoghi Effendi had fabricated the entire thing and that only they possessed Nabíl’s narrative. Apart from that claim, as stated earlier, we also have a Tablet from ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, in which He states that the revised edition...
Covenant-breakers stole papers from the room of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. They stole two cases of papers that Bahá’u’lláh had given to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.
Covenant-Breakers, History, Muhammed Ali (Ghusn)
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I have already explained that after the ascension of Bahá’u’lláh, Covenant-breakers stole papers from the room of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. They stole two cases of papers that Bahá’u’lláh had given to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. They literally did this at a time when ‘Abdu’l-Bahá was not in His room and was washing the body of Bahá’u’lláh. Those documents are probably still...
Friday, June 14, 2024
Baha'is enjoyed the pilau and roast meat in the feast hosted by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab
Mirza Ahmad Sohrab and Shaykh Muhammad Husayn, both from Nayriz, hosted a feast on 16 April, a mid-day lunch at the Pilgrim House near the Shrine of the Bab. Few were given this privilege. More than 100 men were present to enjoy the pilau, roast meat and sour milk spread on the table. With so many present and only 28 able to sit at the table at one...
Abdul Baha's prophecy about Israel
In the afternoon of February 13th, the American pilgrims held a special memorial meeting, for the departure of Mirza Abul-Fazl, at the holy threshold of the Bab, on Mount Carmel. Abdul-Baha attended the meeting and spent that night at the home of Abbas Kuli, near the blessed tomb. In the morning of February 14th, Abdul-Baha went to the hospice (the...
Good quality Baha’is
I cannot understand, she said, why the friends show their concern and anxiety when simple-hearted people come into the Faith, who just say that they believe in Baha’u’llah, and who do not know much about the Faith. You want quality. But to get the quality, you need the quantity. Suppose we have 100 Baha’is and we find only 5 good Baha’is; let us calculate...
We can only stop teaching the Faith when the Government of the country asks us to stop
Converting People, Iran, Loyalty, Ruhiyyih Khanum
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She [Ruhiyyih Khanum] further remarked that we have 900 years more to consolidate but we do not know how many more years we will have to teach the Cause. We can only stop teaching the Faith when the Government of the country asks us to stop because, according to Baha’u’llah’s law, it is our Article of Faith to obey the Government of the country in...
It was not Baha'u'llah but Shoghi Effendi who established the institutional forms for dealing with Covenant-breaking
It is of interest that there has only been a gradual implementation of the sanctions against Covenant-breakers and those continuing to associate with them. Many of Bahá'u'lláh's writings contain passages instructing the Bahá'ís to avoid contacts with the Covenant-breakers (see passages quoted by `Abdu'l-Bahá in SoW 13:19-25). Despite this, Bahá'u'lláh...
Mirza Hadi Dawlatabadi, converted many but
One of Azal’s main supporters in Isfahan, Mirza Hadi Dawlatabadi, converted many but, as in Naraq and Kashan, several of these, such as Aqa ‘Ali Nur (d. c. 1294/1877)’ and Aga Muhammad Kazim, went to Baghdad and returned as supporters of Baha’u'llah. (Baha'i Communities of Iran 1851 to 1912, Vol. 2, by Dr. Moojan Momen)Mírzá Hádí Dawlat-Ábádí, one...
Marriage ceremony of Mirza Hadi and Diyaiyyih Khanum (parents of Shoghi Effendi)
The Mufti may be asked to chant the Marriage Chant at the Holy Shrine on Sunday. My aunt invited the family of Muhammad-`Ali to come in the evening. They came and jeered at the simplicity of the wedding with great ridicule. None of our friends knew that it was a day of marriage. My mother, my aunt, and we four girls were together. Aqa Mirza Hadi Afnan...
Guardianist perspective: Shoghi Effendi did appoint his successor before he died.
Shoghi Effendi did appoint his successor before he died. The successor of Shoghi was the IBC (International Baha’i Council) that he created which was eventually dismantled by Ruhiyyih & the handsThe IBC that Shoghi created was not only supposed to be the embryonic Universal house of Justice (UHJ), it was also the symbolic child of Shoghi Effendi....
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Abdul Baha censoring family dispute from his followers
‘Abdu’l-Baha in his tablet to Mirza Abu’l-Fadl Gulpaygani states:Concerned lest anyone from this direction should write something that would have contrary fragrances, this servant, despite his endless duties, has taken upon himself the toil of reading all communications and erasing anything that by implication or allusion is inappropriate. By your...
How Baha'i scholars understand the claims of divinity of the Bab and Baha'u'llah
In his Qayyum al-asma’ and innumerable other writings of his last years, the Bab frequently and in various contexts uttered the words, “I, verily, am God, no God is there except Me” (or the like). It was his conviction that the eschatological ‘‘Day of God” had come to realization and that he was a manifestation of Divinity. As, furthermore, “Divinity”...
It is Baha'u'llah Who, in the Old Testament hath been named YHWH (Jehovah)
In a number of his epistles of the late ‘Akka period, Baha’u’llah clearly claimed to be YHWH, the Divinity Who conversed with Moses from the burning bush and whose eschatological advent as “YHWH of hosts” (“the Lord of hosts’’) was predicted by the Israelite prophets. In, for example, the following lines addressed to a Jewish convert to the Baha’i...
Friday, June 7, 2024
Baha'i faith on evolution
THERE we see man, at the apex of creation. But in spite of the evolution of spirit through the phenomenal worlds there is no justification for the idea that man was once a monkey, a rubber tree or a piece of sulphur. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá clearly states that man is, and always was, a distinct species. (The Missing Link By David Hofman - Published in World Order...
Baha'i men not allowed to grow hair beyond the lobe of their ear ...not to shave their head.
"... not to allow the growth of men's hair beyond the lobe of the ear ... not to shave one's head.""To wash one's feet; to cut one's nails; not to plunge one's hand in food (referring to the manner of eating)..."(Synopsis and Codification of the Laws and Ordinances of the Kitab-i-Aqdas, pp. 48-51)"Whosoever hath impurity upon his clothing, his prayer...
Keith-Roach’s understanding of the role of Shoghi Effendi was no doubt corrected after 1922
Guardianship, Personal Observations, Shoghi Effendi
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Keith-Roach’s understanding of the role of Shoghi Effendi was no doubt corrected after 1922, the publication date of a wide-ranging and informative book he co-wrote, with a foreword by Herbert Samuel and assisted by Sir Ronald Storrs among others. The book described the successor of the Master as ‘his grandson, Shawki Effendi’, and then added mistakenly,...
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Hamid Dabashi employs the qualifier “militant” nine times to refer to Ṭáhirih and her companions. the span of twenty-seven pages, Hamid Dabashi employs the qualifier “militant” nine times to refer to Ṭáhirih and her companions. Hamid Dabashi, Shi’ism: A Religion of Protest (Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011), 170–97.(The Bab and the Babi Community of Iran, edited by Fereydun Vahm...
The Babis were able to recruit from Ahl-e Haqq, Shaykhis, Ismailis and militant Akhbaris
The Babis were able to recruit from other nonconformist minorities, however. Though often overlooked, the conversions from the Ahl-e Haqq and associated “extremists” to the Babi movement were perhaps second only to the Shaykhis. Both as individuals and occasionally as a community, they showed greater receptivity, since their messianic expectations...
Saturday, June 1, 2024
Shoghi Effendi's parents were covenant-breakers
As I heard from the late Mr. Fatheazam, former member of the Universal House of Justice, Mírzá Hadi Afnan and Ziaiyyeh Khanum, parents of the Guardian are referred to as “unfaithful” to the Guardian. When they passed away Shoghi Effendi did not allow anyone to attend the funeral. He did it by himself to fulfill the duty of a son to parents only. Their...
Kalkaji Mandir, is a Hindu Temple, dedicated to the Hindu Goddess Kali.
The new House of Worship will be built just south of Delhi, on a highland site of eight acres overlooking both old and New Delhi on the road to Agra and Bombay and southern India. The land was purchased in 1953 as a goal of the Ten Year Crusade. The beginning of construction of the edifice is a goal of the Five Year Plan.Rúḥíyyih Khánum, in a brief...