Saturday, March 30, 2019
Friday, March 22, 2019
Labib learned Esperanto in 1914 and later taught the language at the Baha'i Tavakkul School in Qazvin
The book contains nothing that might reasonably be called an argument. Instead names of God and invocations are endlessly repeated
The Shaikh Tabarsi siege was the most markedly religious, while the Zanjan and Neyriz uprisings were more closely linked to local politics.
In all, something like 3,000 Babis died in these episodes...
Babi law called for the destruction of the shrines and holy places of previous religions and, the universal slaughter of all save those who believed and were faithful...
Abdul-Baha, Abuse, Bab, Denis MacEoin, History, Shi'ih
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Thursday, March 21, 2019
Anyone claiming a Revelation direct from God is a lying imposter.
How a faithful Baha'i son treated his Covenant Breaker father?
Covenant-Breakers, Injustice, Juan Cole, Punishment, Story
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Babi's were ordered to destroy all non-Babi books
Abdul-Baha, Abuse, Azali, Bab, Baha'u'llah, Denis MacEoin, Independent Investigation of Truth
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Baha'is are ordered to serve Israel!
"Ex-Baha'is" will spread the message of Baha'u'llah!
"Just a small reminder of what the House wants each and every single one of us to do NOW!"
Converting People, House of Justice (UHJ), Personal Observations
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Muslims will suffer for denying Baha'u'llah
Islam, Jews, Pilgrims' Notes, Prophecy, Punishment, Shi'ih, Shoghi Effendi, Sunni
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Siyyid Muhammad Isfahani gave a bad time to Baha'u'llah
Azali, Baha'u'llah, Covenant-Breakers, History, Punishment, Subh-i-Azal
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How the Greatest Holy Leaf protected the Cause!?
Abuse, Bahiyyih Khanum, Covenant-Breakers, History, Muhammed Ali (Ghusn)
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The veil must in no wise be suddenly rent asunder.
A repentance prayer to Baha'u'llah
Friday, March 1, 2019
We have bestowed upon thee such a station from before Our Presence to which no women have preceded (thee)
Baha'u'llah, Bahiyyih Khanum, Godhood, Lua Getsinger, Pilgrims' Notes
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