"They that have forsaken their country in the path of God and subsequently ascended unto His presence, such souls shall be blessed by the Concourse on High and their names recorded by the pen of Glory among such as have laid down their lives as martyrs in the path of God, the Help in peril, the Self - Subsistence."-Baha'u'llah
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
The Holy Spirit Itself hath been generated through the agency of a single letter revealed by Baha'u'llah
In the Súratu’l-Haykal, one of the most challenging works of Bahá’u’lláh, the following verses, each of which testifies to the resistless power infused into the Revelation proclaimed by its Author, have been recorded: “Naught is seen in My temple but the Temple of God, and in My beauty but His Beauty, and in My being but His Being, and in My self but...
I am God, I have created manifestations in the world of being...
Beware lest ye speak of duality in regard to My Self, for all the atoms of the earth proclaim that there is none other God but Him, the One, the Single, the Mighty, the Loving. From the beginning that hath no beginning I have proclaimed, from the realm of eternity, that I am God, none other God is there save Me, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting;...
Baha'is take help of Mohammad Reza Shah's dream to prove that he was a Shi'i ruler who persecuted Baha'is for their beliefs!
The Shah’s degree of belief in Shi’ism can also be seen clearly in this speech:
I was stricken with typhoid fever, and at the height of the illness, I dreamed of Imam Ali one night … He gave me a cup containing a liquid to drink, and I did that, and my health improved… In the summer, when we were going to visit the Shrine of Emamzadeh Davood, I fell...
According to Abdul Baha, Tahirih recognized the Bab through a dream
“One night when it was getting along toward dawn she laid her head on her pillow, lost all awareness of this earthly life, and dreamed a dream; in her vision a youth, a Siyyid, wearing a black cloak and a green turban, appeared to her in the heavens; he was standing in the air, reciting verses and praying with his hands upraised. At once, she memorized...
Why sleep?
If a man sleep, it should not be for pleasure, but to rest the body in order to do better, to speak better, to explain more beautifully, to serve the servants of God and to prove the truths. When he remains awake he should seek to be attentive, serve the Cause of God and sacrifice his own stations for those of God. When he attains to this station,...
Friday, August 3, 2018
Nothing but ignorance became apparent of Baha'u'llah.
According to the testimony of Mulla Muhammad Ja'far Naraqi:
Very often topics of (religious) science were discussed between me and the claimant (Baha'u'llah). Nothing but ignorance became apparent of him. So often, I would ask him a question and it would come to pass with (his) silence."
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
How Tahirih was convinced that the Bab’s message was truth?
One night when it was getting along toward dawn she laid her head on her pillow, lost all awareness of this earthly life, and dreamed a dream; in her vision a youth, a Siyyid, wearing a black cloak and a green turban, appeared to her in the heavens; he was standing in the air, reciting verses and praying with his hands upraised. At once, she memorized...
It is not true that Qurrat al-‘Ayn laid aside the veil!
For if we look at other accounts of Qurrat al-‘Ayn, there is reason to believe that matters are not as straightforward as they seem. The British Orientalist Edward Browne’s collections of various historical materials suggest that in one of his conversation with a well-known Babi it was remarked that Qurrat al-‘Ayn never intentionally took off the veil.33...
The highest levels of spiritual comprehension (Erfan)!
One Baha'i Scholar on "Baha'i Studies" Facebook Group wrote this:
The Most Great Spirit is a poetic term Bahaullah used to refer to himself for people who were unaware (as an introduction). Elsewhere Bahaullah clarifies that he [the most great spirit] created the holy spirit, and that he is the one who spoke TO moses from the Burning Bush. And in...