Baha'u'llah, Kitab-i-Aqdas, para 75
All created things are pure in Baha'ism
Baha'u'llah, Kitab-i-Aqdas, para 75
Abuse, Covenant-Breakers, House of Justice (UHJ), Muhammed Ali (Ghusn) 1 comment
Education, House of Justice (UHJ), Provisional Translation 1 comment
Abdul-Baha, Christians, History, Miracles, Story No comments
There was a Christian priest in ‘Akká who regularly attained the presence of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. One day other Christians asked him, “What benefit have you gained from visiting ‘Abbás Effendi so frequently?” He replied, “Soon I will baptize ‘Abbás Effendi!” When this news reached His [‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s] blessed ears, He replied, “Very well. We will see whether he baptizes us or we circumcise him.”
It was not long thereafter that the priest fell ill. No matter what the doctors tried, it had no effect, and indeed he grew worse. Eventually it was decided that a team of doctors would consult on his condition. Those doctors decided to examine him and consulted on his situation and when they completed their examination, they prescribed that no remedy except circumcision would cure him. After they decided conclusively on this, they carried out the surgery.
‘Abdu’l-Bahá – may my life be a sacrifice unto His will – would smile and say, “I made that comment in humor.”
Subsequently, whenever that priest would come before Him, he was most embarrassed and would keep his head low. It became clear from this incident that the Manifestations of Truth do not jest with anyone, since their humor is also serious.
Baha'i Activities, Converting People, Shoghi Effendi No comments
Christians, House of Justice (UHJ), Israel, Jews, Palestine, Politics No comments
Baha'i Law, Baha'u'llah, Independent Investigation of Truth, Will & Testament No comments
Education, House of Justice (UHJ), Shoghi Effendi No comments underlying Persian text is the same in both cases. Shoghi Effendi revised his own translations from time to time, particularly in the case of the Hidden Words, and the translation found in Gleanings closely matches the version published in the 1929 edition of the Hidden Words. This translation was revised a final time in 1954 by Shoghi Effendi, and this is the version of the Hidden Words found on the Bahá’í Reference Library Web site. While this most recent version contains the final revisions by Shoghi Effendi, both this translation and the earlier translation published in Gleanings can be considered authoritative.
Abdul-Baha, Baha'i Law, Christians, Education, Science No comments
Covenant, Covenant-Breakers, House of Justice (UHJ), Spying No comments
Covenant-Breakers, House of Justice (UHJ), Spying No comments
Covenant, Covenant-Breakers, House of Justice (UHJ), Spying No comments
Abdul-Baha, Baha'u'llah, Covenant-Breakers, Independent Investigation of Truth No comments
Abuse, Bab, Baha'i Law, Baha'u'llah, Bayan, Education No comments
Baha'i Law, Baha'u'llah, House of Justice (UHJ), New World Order (NWO) No comments
Baha'u'llah, House of Justice (UHJ), Money, Rituals No comments
Bab, Baha'u'llah, Education, Independent Investigation of Truth, Injustice No comments
Converting People, New World Order (NWO), Shoghi Effendi No comments
Babism is much more in harmony with the subtle and imaginative genius of the Persian people than the Shiite Mohammedanism. The growing spirit of nationality makes their present religion and the present dynasty, both of which was imposed on them by foreign conquest, less and less acceptable every year. The hour when the Bab [sic] shall send word from Baghdad that the time has come for the Babists to take up arms again will be a very critical one for the present dynasty of Persia and for Shiite Mohammedanism.
Christians, Converting People, Denis MacEoin, Injustice No comments
Worst of all, I fear, is that the Baha’is are gradually gaining a reputation for hypocrisy and self-interestedness. To give one example, several years ago, when the troubles began in Northern Ireland, a few Baha’is gave help for some time at a refugee centre, along with other groups. Despite the fact that the Quakers, who ran the centre, had asked for no publicity, the Baha’is were the only group to seek and obtain newspaper publicity for their work with refugees. Since then, the Baha’is as a group, in Northern Ireland have done nothing to help anybody, have never even condemned the violence publicly, and have held numerous conferences and teaching activities which even the believers are beginning to avoid.
To give just one other example: the Public Relations Officer of the U.K. Baha’i Community recently told a Mayor, in the course of a tree-planting (!) ceremony (which seems to be the most radical activity we engage in) that ‘Baha’is the world over were working hard in thousands of centres to help improve the environment and the quality of life of all the inhabitants of the earth. They were also involved in efforts to resist the spread of deserts which themselves resulted from the wholesale destruction of trees. At world level, through United Nations agencies, the Baha’i International Community was constantly involved in this work of improving the environment’. As any Baha’i should know, this is, quite simply, dishonest and unethical — but this type of exaggeration and distortion, coupled with the fact that we only ever become involved in any activity where there is a chance of publicity for ourselves, will, I feel, soon be regarded as the chief characteristic of the Baha’is, if it is not already in many quarters.
Africa, Christians, Denis MacEoin, Injustice, Islam, Jews, Politics, Shi'ih No comments
Baha’u'llah wrote directly to rulers to reprimand them for their brutality and repression, while we today pose for pictures with Pinochet and Amin (thank God for your reference to the Pinochet photograph — I thought I was the only person who had noticed it). Yet, the moment anyone lifts a finger to harm Baha’is, in however a minor way, there is a universal outcry and we appeal for aid to the UN and suchlike. The Iranian regime has been massacring its people for decades, and thousands are dying in the present troubles, but the only thing to excite protests from the Baha’is has been the threat of violence to themselves. No mention is made of the fact that Jews or Christians have been threatened or attacked. The fact is that we seem to judge the justice of a regime according to how well it treats the Baha’is. An unjust regime treating us well is tolerated or even extolled, while a popular regime which deprives us of certain freedoms (perhaps along with other religious groups) is regarded as evil. No one has asked, for example, what the people of Iran, as a whole, want, but what would ensure the safety of the Baha’is there; so if thousands of Shi’i Muslims are killed, who cares? — they deserve it anyway for having persecuted the Baha’is.
Baha'i Activities, Denis MacEoin, New World Order (NWO), Politics No comments
The simple fact is that, in a real sense, the Baha’i faith is one of the most political movements around. ...the abolition of non-Baha’i religious legal systems (such as the Islamic sharia), the retention of a class system, the abolition of tariffs, international police force, and so on are among the hottest political issues around. ...or do we accept that we have these principles and that we intend to establish them, destroying, in the process, any other system or ideology which seeks to oppose them? We should also bear in mind that the apparently non-political activity of just teaching the faith is highly political. It is hardly enough to say that we are ‘non-political’ — after all, we do plan to bring into being a series of Baha’i states and, in the end, a Baha’i world — no less extreme than the aim of every Marxist. And, in the same way that not everyone jumps with joy at the thought of his country becoming Marxist, so we can hardly expect that there will be universal rejoicing at the news that the Baha’i faith is becoming a threat to the established political system. We may say that the old order is destroying itself and that we intend merely to step in when it collapses, not to actively work for its destruction — but take another look at Marx’s theory of the dialectic of history: capitalism destroys itself in order to give way to communism. Instead of engaging in violent revolution to speed up the process, we ‘teach the faith’.
Abuse, House of Justice (UHJ), Injustice, Juan Cole, Money No comments
Abdul-Baha, Israel, Jews, Prophecy, Provisional Translation, SAQ No comments
Abdul-Baha, Entry by Troops, Jews, Shoghi Effendi No comments
Baha'u'llah, Imam Husayn, Return, Shoghi Effendi No comments
Entry by Troops, House of Justice (UHJ), New World Order (NWO), Politics, Shoghi Effendi, World Peace No comments
Abuse, Juan Cole, Persian-speaking Baha'is, Ruhiyyih Khanum, Shoghi Effendi 1 comment
Baha'i Activities, Baha'u'llah, House of Justice (UHJ), New World Order (NWO), Shoghi Effendi No comments
The unity of the human race, as envisaged by Bahá’u’lláh, implies the establishment of a world commonwealth in which all nations, races, creeds and classes are closely and permanently united, and in which the autonomy of its state members and personal freedom and initiative of the individuals that xi compose them are definitely and completely safeguarded. This commonwealth must, as far as we can visualize it, consist of a world legislature, whose members will, as the trustees of the whole of mankind, ultimately control the entire resources of all the component nations, and will enact such laws as shall be required to regulate the life, satisfy the needs and adjust the relationships of all races and peoples. A world executive, backed by an international Force, will carry out the decisions arrived at, and apply the laws enacted by, this world legislature, and will safeguard the organic unity of the whole commonwealth. A world tribunal will adjudicate and deliver its compulsory and final verdict in all and any disputes that may arise between the various elements constituting this universal system. A mechanism of world inter-communication will be devised, embracing the whole planet, freed from national hinderances and restrictions, and functioning with marvellous swiftness and perfect regularity. A world metropolis will act as the nerve centre of a world civilization, the focus towards which the unifying forces of life will converge and from which its energizing influences will radiate. A world language will either be invented or chosen from among the existing languages and will be taught in the schools of all the federated nations as an auxiliary to their mother tongue. A world script, a world literature, a uniform and universal system of currency, of xii weights and measures, will simplify and facilitate intercourse and understanding among the nations and races of mankind. In such a world society, science and religion, the two most potent forces in human life, will be reconciled, will co-operate, and will harmoniously develop. The press will, under such a system, while giving full scope to the expression of the diversified views and convictions of mankind, cease to be mischievously manipulated by vested interests, whether private or public, and will be liberated from the influence of contending governments and peoples. The economic resources of the world will be organized, its sources of raw materials will be tapped and fully utilized, its markets will be co-ordinated and developed, and the distribution of its products will be equitably regulated.
National rivalries, hatreds and intrigues will cease, and racial animosity and prejudice will be replaced by racial amity, understanding and co-operation. The causes of religious strife will be permanently removed, economic barriers and restrictions will be completely abolished, and the inordinate distinction between classes will be obliterated. Destitution on the one hand, and gross accumulation of ownership on the other, will disappear. The enormous energy dissipated and wasted on war, whether economic or political, will be consecrated to such ends as will extend the range of human inventions and technical development, to the xiii increase of the productivity of mankind, to the extermination of disease, to the extension of scientific research, to the raising of the standard of physical health, to the sharpening and refinement of the human brain, to the exploitation of the unused and unsuspected resources of the planet, to the prolongation of human life, and to the furtherance of any other agency that can stimulate the intellectual, the moral, and spiritual life of the entire human race.
A world federal system (Baha'i Commonwealth), ruling the whole earth and exercising unchallengeable authority (through the UHJ) over its unimaginably vast resources, blending and embodying the ideals of both the East and the West, liberated from the curse of war and its miseries, and bent on the exploitation of all the available sources of energy on the surface of the planet, a system in which Force is made the servant of Justice, whose life is sustained by its universal recognition of one God and by its allegiance to one common Revelation (of Baha'u'llah) —such is the goal towards which humanity, impelled by the unifying forces of life, is moving.
Adultery, Baha'u'llah, Dream, Juan Cole, Provisional Translation 1 comment
Adultery, Baha'i Law, House of Justice (UHJ), Punishment, Women No comments
Abdul-Baha, House of Justice (UHJ), Pilgrims' Notes No comments
Baha'u'llah, New World Order (NWO), Shoghi Effendi No comments
New World Order (NWO), Shoghi Effendi, World Peace No comments
National rivalries, hatreds and intrigues will cease, and racial animosity and prejudice will be replaced by racial amity, understanding and co-operation. The causes of religious strife will be permanently removed, economic barriers and restrictions will be completely abolished, and the inordinate distinction between classes will be obliterated. Destitution on the one hand, and gross accumulation of ownership on the other, will disappear. (Shoghi Effendi)
Baha'i Activities, House of Justice (UHJ), New World Order (NWO), Politics No comments
Converting People, Entry by Troops, House of Justice (UHJ), New World Order (NWO) No comments
Israel, Persian-speaking Baha'is, Shoghi Effendi No comments
Covenant-Breakers, House of Justice (UHJ), Juan Cole, NSA, Spying No comments
"Information about the conduct of individuals which adversely affects the interests of the Faith may be conveyed by the Counsellors to the National Spiritual Assembly either directly or, if the Counsellors so choose, through one or more of their Auxiliary Board members. The method of conveyance of such information is left to the discretion of the Counsellors.
"Any matter which is related to the protection of the Faith is obviously a primary concern of the National Assembly, as it is of the Counsellors."
House of Justice (UHJ), New World Order (NWO), Shoghi Effendi No comments
Baha'i Activities, Politics, Russia, Sanctions, Shoghi Effendi No comments
Covenant, Covenant-Breakers, House of Justice (UHJ) No comments
House of Justice (UHJ), New World Order (NWO), Shoghi Effendi No comments
Christians, Converting People, Islam, Jews, Shoghi Effendi No comments
Covenant, Covenant-Breakers, House of Justice (UHJ) No comments