Friday, June 30, 2017
Baha'is desecrating the grave of a Covenant Breaker
Abuse, Covenant-Breakers, House of Justice (UHJ), Muhammed Ali (Ghusn)
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World Centre to decide on the timeliness and wisdom of publishing English translations
Education, House of Justice (UHJ), Provisional Translation
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'Abdu'l-Bahá had lunch at the home of the Persian consul-general Topakyan, causing him to be late to his train...
Story : We will see whether he baptizes us or we circumcise him.
Abdul-Baha, Christians, History, Miracles, Story
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Thursday, June 29, 2017
Baha'i faith and the Qur'an
Pioneers entering the pioneer field should realize that main aim is to spread Baha'ism
Baha'i Activities, Converting People, Shoghi Effendi
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The policy of not teaching Baha'i faith to Israelis
Christians, House of Justice (UHJ), Israel, Jews, Palestine, Politics
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Kitab i Aqdas : Elder & Miller Translation (Downloadable)
Baha'i Law, Baha'u'llah, Independent Investigation of Truth, Will & Testament
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"both this translation and the earlier translation...can be considered authoritative."
Education, House of Justice (UHJ), Shoghi Effendi
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Truly translation is a very difficult job.
Abdul-Baha, Baha'i Law, Christians, Education, Science
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Sunday, June 25, 2017
The ABMs for Protection should keep "constantly" a "watchful eye"...
Covenant, Covenant-Breakers, House of Justice (UHJ), Spying
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The ITC is invested with the mandate to watch over the security and ensure the protection of the Faith of God.
Covenant-Breakers, House of Justice (UHJ), Spying
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A copy of the report should be sent to the Hands in the Holy Land
Covenant, Covenant-Breakers, House of Justice (UHJ), Spying
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The churches are waiting for the coming of Jesus Christ; we believe He has come again
Immediately, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá slapped him...
It is incumbent upon all the friends of God to shun any person...
Abdul-Baha, Baha'u'llah, Covenant-Breakers, Independent Investigation of Truth
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The law prescribing the destruction of books.
Abuse, Bab, Baha'i Law, Baha'u'llah, Bayan, Education
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Defile not your tongues with the cursing and reviling of any soul
The men of God’s House of Justice have been charged with the affairs of the people.
Baha'i Law, Baha'u'llah, House of Justice (UHJ), New World Order (NWO)
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Pay the cost of pilgrimages to the House of Justice.
Baha'u'llah, House of Justice (UHJ), Money, Rituals
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In former religions such ordinances as holy war, destruction of books, the ban on association... had been laid down.
Bab, Baha'u'llah, Education, Independent Investigation of Truth, Injustice
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The majesty of kingship is one of the signs of God.
Indeed there is no God besides me.
I am God and that there is none other God but me.
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Pioneers are "pure souls," "stars," "chosen people"...
Converting People, New World Order (NWO), Shoghi Effendi
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...time has come for the Babis (Baha'is) to take up arms again...
Baha'i faith and the '2009 Iranian presidential elections'
Baha’is gradually gaining a reputation for hypocrisy
Christians, Converting People, Denis MacEoin, Injustice
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Dishonest and Unethical Baha'is
Popular regime which deprives Baha'is of certain freedoms is regarded as evil.
Africa, Christians, Denis MacEoin, Injustice, Islam, Jews, Politics, Shi'ih
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Baha’i faith is one of the most political movements around.
Baha'i Activities, Denis MacEoin, New World Order (NWO), Politics
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Thursday, June 22, 2017
Baha'is don't help anyone. They build large buildings and do landscaping.
Abuse, House of Justice (UHJ), Injustice, Juan Cole, Money
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Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Baha'i central figures knew nothing about Hindu religion!
All Palestine will become the home for Jews!
Abdul-Baha, Israel, Jews, Prophecy, Provisional Translation, SAQ
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The Israelites will gather in the Holy Land
Jews will Enter the Faith in Large Groups
Abdul-Baha, Entry by Troops, Jews, Shoghi Effendi
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Baha'ullah's polygamy and the Qur'an!
Bahá'u'lláh as the return of Imam Husayn is a mystical reference
Baha'u'llah, Imam Husayn, Return, Shoghi Effendi
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Proof of the validity of the Imamate!
After Bahá'u'lláh many Prophets will come but they will all be under his shadow
Baha'u'llah is the Christ in his appearance as the Father!
Prophet greater than Baha'u'llah only after the passing of 500,000 years
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Universal House of Justice and the world’s future super-state
Entry by Troops, House of Justice (UHJ), New World Order (NWO), Politics, Shoghi Effendi, World Peace
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You are not asses !
Abuse, Juan Cole, Persian-speaking Baha'is, Ruhiyyih Khanum, Shoghi Effendi
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Saturday, June 17, 2017
Babi cult and ISIS
The aim of all Bahá’í activity?
Baha'i Activities, Baha'u'llah, House of Justice (UHJ), New World Order (NWO), Shoghi Effendi
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Baha'u'llah's encounter with the 'Maid of Heaven'
Adultery, Baha'u'llah, Dream, Juan Cole, Provisional Translation
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Was Mirza Yahya a scapegoat for Baha'u'llah?
All problematic matters are either labelled as being metaphors or are postponed to the future.
Adultery, Baha'i Law, House of Justice (UHJ), Punishment, Women
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Russia's love for Bahau'llah
Denis MacEoin about Babi Laws
Mirza Mahmud's Diary
Abdul-Baha, House of Justice (UHJ), Pilgrims' Notes
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The Kingdom of Baha'u'llah!
Baha'u'llah, New World Order (NWO), Shoghi Effendi
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One universal Cause, one common Faith (Bahaism)
The diversity of religion shall cease!
Baha'i World Government (12 Quotes from Shoghi Effendi)
Baha'i Faith, the inevitable destiny of the peoples and nations of the earth!
Baha’is ultimately seek for the world to become a single super-state with Baha’ism as its religion.
New World Order (NWO), Shoghi Effendi, World Peace
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Baha'is dream to establish a Baha’i world Super-State!
How Bahá'í institutions work?
Baha'i Activities, House of Justice (UHJ), New World Order (NWO), Politics
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What are Baha'i Training Institutes meant for?
Converting People, Entry by Troops, House of Justice (UHJ), New World Order (NWO)
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Centre your energies in the propagation of Baha'ism
Zionist Executive thanks Shoghi Effendi for his contributions
Shoghi Effendi got money from Amelia Collins to buy the Temple Land in Israel
Israel, Persian-speaking Baha'is, Shoghi Effendi
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Shoghi Effendi's buying of properties in Israel
14,000,000 of Bahá’ís !?
Stephen Birkland's warning to Juan Cole
The Baha’i faith imposes a system of in-house censorship on all Baha’is be a Baha’i is to be under constant surveillance by one's community
Information about the conduct of individuals which adversely affects the interests of the Faith may be conveyed by the Counsellors to the NSA
Covenant-Breakers, House of Justice (UHJ), Juan Cole, NSA, Spying
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Baha'i Adminstration is the ideal instrument to make spiritual laws function properly in the material affairs of this world.
House of Justice (UHJ), New World Order (NWO), Shoghi Effendi
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No compromise whatever should be allowed, even though the outcome of it be death or expulsion.
Baha'i Activities, Politics, Russia, Sanctions, Shoghi Effendi
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Obedience to the regulations and orders of the state is indeed, the sacred obligation of every true and loyal Bahá'í
The friends are warned in strongest terms against reading the literature of Covenant-Breakers
Covenant, Covenant-Breakers, House of Justice (UHJ)
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When the Bahá'í State will be established 'they' will be merged in the Universal House of Justice.
House of Justice (UHJ), New World Order (NWO), Shoghi Effendi
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There is no specific minimum age mentioned in the Bahá'í teachings at which girls may marry.
Thursday, June 15, 2017
In 1917 Khayru'llah wrote a letter to Professor Edward Browne of Cambridge..
Baha'is should not say Christian prayers!
In mutli-faith gatherings Baha'is should attract others to Baha'ism.
Christians, Converting People, Islam, Jews, Shoghi Effendi
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The first Englishman to become a Bahá’í died of TB at the age of 30
Jews will regain their ancient glory if they accept Baha'u'llah
There are no rites and rituals in the Baha'i faith!?
Abdul Baha claims 2,000,000 adherents
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
It is incumbent upon the Baha'is to refute the arguments of those that have attacked the Baha'i Faith!
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Holy wars ordained by the Bab were offensive
The danger of meeting with children of Covenant-breakers
Covenant, Covenant-Breakers, House of Justice (UHJ)
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