The three were continually manipulated, their feelings exacerbated from day to day, until all three reached a crisis of faith and were near collapse. If anyone cares to ask why the violators of the Covenant should be avoided by loyal believers, this one sad episode would be answer enough. Khan came to see from this and other episodes that the violators...
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
This photograph Mírzá Asadu’lláh showed about everywhere, and the believers rewarded him with funds.
Khan had also learned from a confidential source that during this visit Mirza Asadu’llah had been entrusted with a secret mission by ‘Abdu’l-Baha. This assigned task was to meet with certain Persian Baha’is and receive from them a box containing the holy remains of the Bab, carefully hidden ever since His body and that of His companion, crushed by...
Number Nineteen
Turning now to the mystic number nineteen: it is found in the sacred formula of Islám which contains nineteen letters as does the Bismi’lláhi’l-Amana‘i’l-Aqdas of the Báb, and it is from these that the Nineteen “Letters of the Living” are derived: each letter represents a holy person surrounding the manifestation of the Báb.(THE RELATION OF THE BÁB...