The Secretary-General of the Baha’i International Community is the senior officer acting on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, in the conduct of its external affairs, including its relations with Israel, the host-country of its World Centre. One would therefore assume that the relationship between the BIC and House of Justice is fairly close...
Friday, December 30, 2022
Friday, December 16, 2022
I immediately threw myself at His feet, held the hem of His robe
I then opened the door and saw ‘Abdu’l-Baha seated at a desk. I bowed and said ‘Allah’u’Abha’. He gave me permission to enter.I immediately threw myself at His feet, held the hem of His robe and entreated Him tearfully saying: ‘O my Beloved! Do not leave me to myself, cause me to move in accordance with Thy Will, and confirm me in my servitude and obedience...
Latest model Car was presented to 'Abdul Baha by the American friends
One day when we were in the presence of ‘Abdu’l—Baha, He was informed that the British Crown Prince (Edward VIII) was arriving in Haifa and that the Governor [of Palestine] wished to borrow His car, which was the latest model and had been presented to Him by the American friends. [‘Abdu’l—Baha expressed no objection]á’í_Worl...
in a state of joy and delight, He said, ‘No government was able to seize the fortress and port of Akka, but when God willed it, it was conquered by two British cavalrymen
One evening 'Abdu’l-Baha granted an audience to a large number of the friends in the hall of His House. With a captivating eloquence and in a state of joy and delight, He said, ‘No government was able to seize the fortress and port of Akka, but when God willed it, it was conquered by two British cavalrymen. ('Abdu’l-Baha with the use of His two fingers...
India is like a jungle of different religions
Aqa Siyyid Mustafa, the renowned Baha’i teacher from Rangoon, Burma, found an occasion to say that the land of India is like a jungle of different religions and denominations. He said the beliefs, customs, and manners are very diverse and superstitions are rampant.á’í_World/Volume_19/Essays_and_Revi...
The Light of God, manifest in Abdul Baha
Abdul-Baha, Converting People, New World Order (NWO)
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PRAISE and thanks belong to the One who is the God of all nations, and who has manifested Himself at this time, as before, for the great purpose of illumining the world with the Light of Unity. Already has He united the hearts of His peoples in the Name of Light and Glory! In the Name of Bahá’u’lláh will the world learn of harmony and of love. Although...
Iran's Intelligence Ministry announced the arrest of several prominent members of the minority Baha'i faith
Iran's Intelligence Ministry on Monday, in a rare move, announced the arrest of several prominent members of the minority Baha'i faith, accusing them of "spying" for Israel.In a statement, the ministry said the suspects based in Iran were affiliated with an Israel-backed Baha'i center in the occupied Palestinian territories dubbed 'Bait al Adl' and...