Monday, March 28, 2022
"The breakers of the Covenant are consigned to the wrath of God..."
Recently Azali movement has been revived by the Iranian scholar Dr Wahid Azal
The Qiyamat has been proclaimed (I believe) twice in Shiite history; first in 1164 at Alamut by the Assassin Pir Hasan II – "The chains of the Law have been broken" - (described so beautifully in Henry Corbin's book 'Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn 'Arabi'); second, 1848, in Iraq and Persia, by the Bab, Sayyid Ali Mohammed Shirazi. As the...
Sunday, March 27, 2022
Baha'i Long Obligatory Prayers "similar to Muslim prayers"
Baha'i Law, Baha'u'llah, Christians, Islam, Personal Observations, Rituals
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Bahá'u'lláh forbade the congregational recitation of prayer, as is done by Muslims five times a day, with the exception of the Prayer for the Dead, usually recited at a funeral. Otherwise, prayers are said individually or recited by one individual while others listen. Bahá'u'lláh has, however, enjoined Bahá'ís to perform daily obligatory prayers, preceded...
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Authoritarian Organization
America (United States), House of Justice (UHJ), Juan Cole, NSA
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Fundamentalist Baha’is have an authoritarian view of how the Baha'i “administrative order” should function. They insist on obedience, and forbid criticizing Baha’i officials or institutions. The typical logic of Baha'i fundamentalists roots obedience in the legitimacy of authority, disallowing a rational examination of the substance of a command or...
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Our judgment (ijtihad) is in accord with the spirit of Islam - Abdul Baha
Süleyman Nazif ends the story of his encounter with ‘Abdu’l-Baha with the latter’s words that “We have no belief that is contrary to true Islam. Our judgment (ijtihad) is in accord with the spirit of Islam, let alone contrary”.
Monday, March 21, 2022
"particularly their sons, into higher education"
The over-representation of Iranian Baha'i students
at AUB from Shiraz, and especially from the Afnan family, provides a clue to the broader
patterns of class formation in the Middle East. The Afnans were involved in transnational
commercial activities spanning Iran, India and the Persian Gulf. Merchant families sending
their children, particularly...
Sunday, March 20, 2022
Fundamentalist Baha'is
Others view election to high Baha’i office as a sign of divine selection of that individual for a “high station,” though some Baha’is object to such differentiation. Some fundamentalist Baha’is speak of being a Baha'i as a status that bestows special spiritual privileges. One wrote on SRB, “Donating to the Bahai Cause is a privilege that only Bahais,...
Friday, March 18, 2022
Baha'i Laws
I am sure that some laws, especially the penal provisions of the Book, will be the target of harsh criticism, and it is quite obvious that the Bahá'ís must reach a new level of knowledge and understanding of their Faith in order to protect the Cause.-Udo Schaefer
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
"The ills from which the world now suffers will multiply"
Let us consider the First World War, which Shoghi Effendi has described in his writings as “the first stage in a titanic convulsion long predicted by Bahá’u’lláh.” Although it ended outwardly in a Treaty of Peace, ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá remarked: “Peace, Peace, the lips of potentates and peoples unceasingly proclaim, whereas the fire of unquenched hatreds still...
Baha'u'llah is the Godhead who had sent the other prophets.
One faction of Iranian emigrants to the U.K. in the 1980s and early 1990s led by a Cambridge-trained Iranian scholar even developed a doctrine that Baha'u'llah was the Godhead who had sent the other prophets.Juan Cole, Review of Religious Research, Vol. 43, no. 3 (March, 20...
Thursday, March 10, 2022
The remains of the Bab were kept in the room of Bahiyyih Khanum for ten years
Abdul Baha entrusted her with the sacred remains of the Báb which were housed in her room for some ten years in the house of 'Abdu'lláh Páshá. construction of the Shrine had begun over forty years ago. The Guardian recounted how the Bab’s Sacred remains journeyed in hiding for decades...
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
The Baha'i administration has increasingly come under the control of fundamentalists
Censorship, House of Justice (UHJ), Juan Cole, Personal Observations
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In his book Modernity and the Millennium, published by Columbia University Press in 1998, Professor Cole observes the Baha'i
administration has increasingly come under the control of
fundamentalists, "stressing scriptural literalism... theocracy,
censorship, intellectual intolerance, and denying key
democratic values (196)."Similarly, Karen Bacquet...
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Converting to the Baha'i faith is very easy
Israelis Whenever an Israeli citizen living in the West, irrespective of his background and religious affiliation, declares his belief and interest in becoming a member of the Baha'i community, he should be informed that the Faith is not taught in Israel and that [6.6] there is no Baha'i community there apart from those who are associated with the...
Music in the Baha'i Temples (Yes or No?)
Bahāʾ-Allāh urges the recital and the melodious chanting of scripture in the Mašreq al-Aḏkār, especially by children and especially at dawn (Ketāb-e Aqdas, vv. 115-16, 150, pp. 110-11, 143-44; tr., pp. 61, 74). With regard to saying prayers at dawn, he states that this could be done anytime from dawn until two hours after sunrise (Ketāb-e Aqdas, p....
Baha’is may not move to Israel without the permission of the Universal House of Justice.
Registered Baha’is may not move to Israel without the permission of the Universal House of Justice. They are, of course, free to move anywhere else in the world, provided they do it legally. Some registered Baha’is who are not volunteers at the Baha’i World Centre do live in Israel.