ANNOUNCEMENTThe National Spiritual Assembly advises the friends that Mr. Dale Williams, sometimes known as Allen Warren Hanson, and at other times by other aliases, who, it is reported, may be travelling in Canada at the present time, had his voting rights removed by the N.S.A. a year ago. Once again the friends are reminded of the need for insisting...
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Friday, February 11, 2022
Abdul Baha's station of divinity
Abdul-Baha, Baha'u'llah, Godhood, Pilgrims' Notes
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Mrs. P.: Was Abdul Baha the first who knew and realized the reality of Baha'u'llah?Ibn Asdaq: As he had the station of divinity, he would know. Baha'u'llah says Abdul Baha is not a human being. How is it possible that man should not know himself first? In the world of man my father was one of the first to realize the station of Baha'u'llah. Baha'u'llah...
Thursday, February 10, 2022
The Bab was insane
Following the Tribunal, the matter of the Báb’s sanity was raised, and a conditional death sentence was issued pending a confirmation of the Báb’s sanity. Dr. William Cormick, the crown prince’s physician, and two Persian physicians were instructed to examine the Báb and determine “whether he was of sane mind or merely a madman.” In his recollections...
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Abdul Baha's miracles
There was a certain inhabitant of ‘Akká whose name was ‘Abdu’l-Mutallib, a son of a certain Mustafa-Dallál. He was devoted to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. He acquired intense hiccups and no remedy was working. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá went to visit him in his home and to inquire of his health. He noticed that hiccups would not let the man speak a word. He asked, “Are there any...
Monday, February 7, 2022
Nader Saiedi's ignorance and Baha'u'llah evolving claims
Baha'u'llah, Godhood, Independent Investigation of Truth
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Another problem within the same and other chapters is that Saiedi attempts to bypass the degree to which Baha'-Allah's voicing of his claims evolved from 'ubudiyya' ("servitude") and 'Husayniyya' (being the spiritually returned eschatological Husayn b. 'Ali), to 'mazhariyya' (theophanology) and 'rububiyya' ("Lordship"), or (subordinate) 'ilahiyya'...
Saturday, February 5, 2022
Misleading loyal Baha'i scholars
Twentieth century Baha'i attempts to survey Baha'u'llah's writings are for the most part highly selective, often digressive and unreliable. Such is to some extent the case with Abd al-Hamid Ishraq Khavari's (d. 1972) Persian 'Ganj-i shaygan' (The Befitting Treasury,1968) and Adib Taherzadeh's (d. 1998) often disappointing four-volume English language...
Number of writings of Baha'u'llah
The Arabic and Persian writings of the Iranian born messianic claimant Mirza Husayn Ali Nuri (born in Tehran in 1817; died in Acre in 1892), self-designated 'janab-i baha' and subsequently Baha'Allah (= Baha'u'llah, "The Splendor of God") are extensive. They perhaps number between 15,000 and 20,000 items of varying length, from letters of a few lines...
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Dishonesty of Moojan Momen
Azali, Censorship, Independent Investigation of Truth, Injustice
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Mr. Azal visited Iran in 1963 and was a guest of Atiyya Ruhi a great-grand daughter of Subh-i Azal. According to his relatives, Mr. Azal suffered from high blood pressure and died as a result of a heart at the age of 74 on April 5, 1971 with no prior warning. The Baha'i Moojan Momen who has been on a dirt finding mission to Cyprus claims in his report...
Personal pronouns referring to the Manifestations of God or to Abdul Baha should invariably be capitalized!
February 3. On this date in 1975, the Universal House of Justice wrote "In English translations of the Sacred Bahá'í Writings personal pronouns referring to the Manifestations of God or to 'Abdu'l-Bahá should invariably be capitalized; in the Guardian's writings in English his own style must be followed. Capitalization of pronouns relating to the Manifestations...
The Bab's prayer from Kitab-i-Panj Sha'n
In the Name of God, Very God, Very God!I, I am God--No God is there but Me--Very God, Very God.In God's Name, Very God, Very God.God by God, Very God, Very God.In God's Name, Godlike God, Godlike God.God, no God is there but He, Very God, Very God.God, no God is there but He, Godlike God, Godlike God.God, no God is there but He, God as God in Godhead.God,...