Former Baha'i scholar and historian, Denis MacEoin states:Smith (Baha'i scholar) quotes Shoghi Effendi to the effect that Baha'ism does not distort the teachings of other religions, but does not examine the obvious distortions that Baha'i teachings create for Jews, Christians, Muslims and others. It is quite easy to see that key doctrines in...
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
How Baha'i scholar Peter Smith misleads his readers?
Baha'i Law, Denis MacEoin, Independent Investigation of Truth, Islam, Personal Observations
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Denis MacEoin says:He (Baha'i scholar - Peter Smith) writes: ‘The writings of the Bab … and to a lesser extent those of Baha’u’llah are pervaded by Islamic concepts; and many Babi and Baha’i practices bear an obvious resemblance to those of Islam’ (Smith 1996: 13). Of course, this is rather misleading. Babi and Baha’i practices and, for that matter,...
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Fulfilment of specific wishes
The religious potency of the monuments is reflected in the Baha’i lore that if one prays for the fulfilment of specific wishes at the grave of Navvab (Baha’u’llah’s first wife), she will intervene with Baha’u’llah to urge that one’s wishes be granted.(David Michael Piff, Bahá’í Lore, Oxford, George Ronald, 2000, p. 232.)(Margit Warburg, Citizens of...