Edward Browne who met Baha’u’llah a couple of times and was granted four successive interviews with him, says about the Baháʼí teachings:These teachings are in themselves admirable, though inferior, in my opinion, both in beauty and simplicity to the teachings of Christ.— Edward G. Browne, Materials for the Study of the Babi Religion, Introduction,...
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Saturday, February 27, 2021
Former-UHJ member discouraging young Baha'is from seeking a college education because "the Revelation of Baha'u'llah" contains "all knowledge."
House of Justice (UHJ), Independent Investigation of Truth, Juan Cole, Personal Observations, Science
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According to Peter Khan (a Pakistani-Australian engineer who was elected to the
Universal House of Justice in 1987), world-denying fundamentalists go to the extreme of
discouraging young Baha'is from seeking a college education because "the Revelation of
Baha'u'llah" contains "all knowledge." He adds that in this viewThe physical sciences are stigmatized...
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Baha'i Tactics & Technique exposed by a former-Baha'i
Independent Investigation of Truth, Personal Observations
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*Baha'i Tactics & Technique:*1. As far as possible they hold back from responding2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning ignorance3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary and totally peripheral and irrelevant side-issues4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind, biased,...
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Terms (titles) applied to covenant-breakers, dissidents, apostates and opponents
Covenant-Breakers, Denis MacEoin, Independent Investigation of Truth, Shoghi Effendi
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Shoghi Effendi (1897–1957), the (infallible) Guardian of the Baha’i religion and a prolific writer in English, devoted many passages to individuals. Here is an abbreviated list of terms applied by him to covenant-breakers, dissidents, apostates and opponents :Diabolical, ambitious, malevolent, deluded, ‘shameless apostate’, brazen, infamous, insidious,...
Thursday, February 4, 2021
Three or four Baha'is were killed by the Persians for ridiculing their religious ceremonies
Baha'i Activities, Dissimulation, Independent Investigation of Truth, Shi'ih
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These sectarians (of Baha'u'llah), though long resident at Baghdad, had not hitherto openly professed the new creed, but during the last Mohurrem they attracted the ill-will of true Shiahs by ridiculing the ceremonies usual with the latter at that season, and three or four of their number have since lost their lives in encounters with the Persians.The...
Baha'i women wore chadur (veil) in obedience to Abdul Baha
Florence gradually broke the news to her family that in Persia she would be wearing a chádur (the word means tent), an outer garment concealing the wearer from head to foot. Some chádurs were of black satin, others of black brilliantine (a dress fabric such as mohair or goat’s wool, glossy on both sides). The chádur was not so much a garment as a...