In 1988, a group of eight Baha'i scholars collaborated to produce a paper titled "The Service of Women on the Institutions of the Baha'i Faith." One of the article's main arguments was that the exclusion of women from membership on the Universal House of Justice was not necessarily permanent. In taking this position, the authors relied on two essential...
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Monday, December 21, 2020
Baha'u'llah wrote that Baha'i authors should write in a manner as to attract souls
Thou hast written that one of the friends hath composed a treatise. This was mentioned in the Holy Presence, and this is what was revealed in response: Great care should be exercised that whatever is written in these days doth not cause dissension, and invite the objection of the people. Whatever the friends of the one true God say in these days is...
Saturday, December 19, 2020
"The first to swear allegiance to me was Muhammad the Prophet of God"
The Bāb himself made it quite explicit that not only had the Prophet, the Imāms, and the nawwāb (abwāb) returned to earth in the persons of the Letters of the Living, but other prophets and saints had reappeared in other of his followers: "The first to swear allegiance to me was Muḥammad the Prophet of God, then 'Alī, then those who were witnesses...
Friday, December 18, 2020
"God's avenging wrath"
"God's avenging wrath" had removed,
early in April, 1952, the son of Siyyid 'Ali,
Nayer Afnan, who was to have been a star
witness for the Covenant-breakers in the
lawsuit brought to challenge the authority
conferred upon the Guardian in 'Abdu'l Baha's Testament, by virtue of which he is
Custodian of Baha'i Holy Places. A few months later, in...
President of Israel recalled a visit with 'Abdu'l-Baha in Bahji
Abdul-Baha, Israel, Ruhiyyih Khanum, Shoghi Effendi
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"The Guardian and Ruhiyyih Khanum warmly received the President and Mrs. Ben-Zvi, surrounding them with gracious hospitality. During the friendly and informal discussion which followed, Shoghi Effendi outlined the aims and purposes of the Faith, the love and friendliness of the Baha'is for Israel, and their hope and prayer for the success of the State....
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Baha'is will be protected and watched over by Baha’u’llah
The Baha’is all over the world are subject sometimes to suffering, along with their fellow-men. Whatever vicissitudes befall their country, they will be protected though, and watched over by Baha’u’llah, and should not fear the future but rather fear any failure on their part to carry out the work of His Cause.-Shoghi Effendihttps://reference.baha...
the cry of 'Ya Baha'u'l-Abha' will be raised from every direction
Abdul-Baha, New World Order (NWO), Prophecy, Punishment
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"Know thou that hardship and privation shall increase day by day, and the people shall thereby be afflicted. The doors of joy and happiness shall be closed on all sides, and terrible wars shall occur. Frustration and despair shall encompass the people until they are forced to turn to the One True God. Then will the light of most joyful tidings so illumine...