My meaning, however, is not that the deductions that the astrologers of old made from the motions of the stars and planets were true, for these were mere figments of the imagination which had their origin with the Egyptian, Assyrian, and Chaldean priests, or rather stemmed from the idle conjectures of the Hindus and the superstitions of the Greeks,...
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
This is Bahaism - "It has no organization, no hierarchy, no ritual..."
Dissimulation, History, Independent Investigation of Truth
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On September 3, 1912, an article in the Buffalo New York Enquirer titled "This is Baha'ism" stated “It has no organization, no hierarchy, no ritual, no fixed places of worship and times of meeting; in short, it is spirit and life. It does not seek to proselytize. You can be a Bahá’í without ceasing to be a Christian, a Jew or a Mohammedan.”https:/...
"One who has lost his voting rights is considered to be a Bahá’í but not one in good standing. The following restrictions and limitations apply to such a believer"
"…One who has lost his voting rights is considered to be a Bahá’í but not one in good standing. The following restrictions and limitations apply to such a believer:He cannot attend Nineteen Day Feasts or other meetings for Bahá’ís only, including International Conferences, and therefore cannot take part in consultation on the affairs of the community.He...
"If in Iran they grant absolute liberty with no opposition against the Faith, it would not be of benefit to us."
I came across a quote today from Abdu'l-Baha in the memoirs of his private physician: Dr. Habib Muayyid. The quote is truly sickening and shows Abdu'l-Baha is willing to sacrifice his followers in Iran so that they can become a cause to propagate their cult:"We desire neither absolute despotism, nor unbounded liberty. We are concerned with the spiritual...
Upon an examination of revisions in recent Bahá'í literature, it seems that the institution of the Guardian of the Cause of God has been the subject of the most widespread bowdlerization of texts.
Censorship, Guardianship, Independent Investigation of Truth
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Upon an examination of revisions in recent Bahá'í literature, it seems that the institution of the Guardian of the Cause of God has been the subject of the most widespread bowdlerization of texts. The office of the Guardian was first established by Abdu'l-Bahá in his Will and Testament. Shoghi Effendi, his eldest grandson, was named as the first in...
Guardianship and the "future Guardians"
On February 8, 1934, Shoghi Effendi penned a work that would become the chapter titled "The Administrative Order" in his book World Order of Bahá'u'lláh, referring to "the deeds of its present and future Guardians" and noting "Divorced from the institution of the Guardianship the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh would be mutilated..."Divorced from the...
"The world is in turmoil because it has rejected the Baha'i Faith" - Farzam Kamalabadi
"Humanity has encountered the revelation of Baha'u'llah. A good part of people have responded, such as Martha Root, who in the 20s and 30s went around the world four times and met fifty, sixty heads of states and met, if not millions, hundreds of thousands of people and did her part, whereas many others didn't. The world to some degree listened and...
Monday, September 14, 2020
It is, however, not definite that it will be one thousand years; it may be 2,000, or 10,000, or 20,000 years!
He (Baha'u'llah) is the unique and peerless one till the next Manifestation. It is, however, not definite that it will be one thousand years; it may be 2,000, or 10,000, or 20,000 years; but it is definite that, for the coming one thousand years there will appear no Manifestation, for one thousand years there shall arise no sun. All the appearances...
Thursday, September 3, 2020
...these two cities (Jabulqa and Jabulsa) never existed, they could only be the superstitions of diseased brains.
“She (A Babi woman who was no less great and heroic than Táhirih herself) remained in Ṭihrán a long time receiving numerous visitors both men and women. She aroused the women by showing them the abject role which Islám assigned to them and she won them over to the new religion by showing them the freedom and respect which it would bestow...
Cities of Imaginal world
Independent Investigation of Truth, Shaykh Ahmad
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Cities of Imaginal worldIn the Hikmat al-ishraqi, Suhrawardi mentions several cities of the imaginal world, all which belong to the eighth domain. They are Jabilqa (Jabulqa), Jabirsa (Jabursa) and Hurqalya, the cities which are “nowhere”. According to Suhrawardi ,in the last one, wonders exist. As he states: “And there are eight domains therein, Jabilqa,...