"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel, Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite, Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully, Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence, Harass... etc., etc....
-Frederick Glaysher (Former Haifan Baha'i)...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Baha'i Tactics & Techniques
1. As far as possible they hold back from responding2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning ignorance3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary and totally peripheral and irrelevant side-issues4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind, biased, deluded (while they, the Baha'is,...
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Miracles do happen
It was 1942. My father was a fairly new Baha'i. So when Shoghi Effendi sent His pioneering plan to the Baha'is of Iran encouraging them to spread throughout the Arab countries, he did not hesitate and agreed to go to Soleimanieh in the Kurdish region of Iraq together with our family. He sold his stuff very quickly, cancelled his rental agreement, resigned...
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Izziyyih Khanum about Baha'u'llah's 'innate knowledge'
Baha'u'llah, Independent Investigation of Truth, Izziyyih Khanum
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The Mirzā (meaning Bahā’u’llāh)...., from the beginning of his life to when he came of age—because the means were at hand and because of the gathering of the companions—was engrossed in studying and endeavored in homework. He wouldn’t disengage from learning the rudiments for a moment. After studying the rudiments of Arabic and literature he inclined...