Tuesday, September 24, 2019
"He who will appear after Him who will appear." This is a reference to 'Abdu'l-Baha in the Báb's writings.-Moments with Baháʼuʼlláh: Memoirs of the Hand of the Cause of God By Ṭarāz Allāh Samand...
A future Baha'i world government would put covenant breakers in jail!
Covenant-Breakers, House of Justice (UHJ), Juan Cole, Personal Observations
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I don't see what the difference in principle is between that (Khomeinist) and the Baha'i institutions claiming they can never be publicly criticized, and sending counsellors and ABMs around to silence people with threats
that they will be shunned or ostracized. If the Baha'is who behave
this way controlled a government, they would be just as oppressive...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Abdul Baha watching a Film and Shoghi Effendi 'Paris Opera'.
‘Abdu’l-Bahá repudiated suggestive plays, gross movies. As Louis Gregory told us, the Master had attended a film in the Holy Land with two little boys of the Household, and disapproving of the picture, had taken the boys by the hand and left. We were also told, by other believers, that Shoghi Effendi attended the Paris opera alone, and what he saw...
Wine and other alcoholic drinks were still used by many Baha’is then
As we ate at the pension, outdoors under an arbor, there was wine on the table. Wine and other alcoholic drinks were still used by many Bahá’ís then—'in moderation', as they used to quote: 'Moderation in all things.' The trouble seemed to be, nobody could agree on what moderation was.http://bahairesearch.com/english/Baha%27i/Baha%27i_Studies/Marzieh_Gail/Arches_of_the_Years.aspx...
Shoghi Effendi was Ayatollah. God's presence is available to whoever turns to Him.
He [Shoghi Effendi] was, as the Will of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá says, the Sign of God (áyatu’lláh), and God's presence is available to whoever turns to Him, including persons so insignificant that in this world they could never get in to see even the pettiest official or the least of company managers.
Why beautification of Baha'i Shrines in Israel?
Converting People, Covenant-Breakers, Dissimulation, Israel, Muhammed Ali (Ghusn), Pilgrims' Notes
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Since in the Holy Land the Bahá’ís had to teach indirectly, the Guardian said one such way was to beautify the Shrines.
He told us that acquiring the heart of the mountain, which the Bahá’ís owned by 1935, was not easy, because there were many enemies of the Faith in that place, and the Covenant-breaker Muhammad-‘Alí was still active through his son,...
Monday, September 16, 2019
Claimants to the Office of He-Whom-God-Will-Make-Manifest
Alphabetical list of some of the pretenders who had prior pretensions to be "Him-Whom-God-Will-Make-Manifest" and/or the return of the Imam Husayn is subjoined:
1. Abd-al-Karim-i-Tabrizi 2. Abdullah Gawhar 3. Ali Akbar-i-Shirazi 4. Hashim-i-Kashi-Haji Mulla 5. Husayn-Ali Nuri (Baha'u'llah) 6. Husayn-i-Hindiyani or Hindigani 7. Husayn-i-Milani known...
Laws of the Babi Sharia.
Abuse, Bab, Bayan, Denis MacEoin, Punishment, Shi'ih
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It [Kitab-i-Aqdas] also does away with several of the more restrictive measures of the Babi shari'a, including the mass slaughter of non-believers, the destruction of books and shrines, compulsory marriage at the age of 11, the confiscation of the property of unbelievers, and the prohibition on travel except for purposes of trade.
The apparent tolerance...
The Bab and Quddus were both the Qa'im!!
...at Bidasht, Mullā Muḥammad ʿAlī Bārfurūshī Quddūs, claimed to be the return of the prophet Muḥammad, adducing in evidence of this his ability to produce verses, prayers, and homilies; later, at the shrine of Shaykh Ṭabarsi, Quddūs is said to have referred to Bushrūʾī (originally understood to be the return of Muḥammad) as the Imām Ḥusayn. More...
Tahiri's "unveiling herself" caused some Babis to recant their new faith or slit their throats!!!
The unveiling caused shock and consternation amongst the men present. Prior to this, many had regarded Táhirih as the epitome of purity... Many screamed in horror at the sight, and one man was so horrified that he cut his own throat and, with blood pouring from his neck, fled the scene. Táhirih then arose and began a speech on the break from Islam.-Wikipedia
Tafsir (Exegisis) of Quran by the Bab!
The Báb explains the phrase “By the afternoon” (Va’l-‘asr) by analyzing the meaning of the letter Váv (here meaning “By”) as well as “afternoon” (‘asr) and their mutual connection. Váv is the second letter of the name of God, Huva (He), consisting of the letters Há’ and Váv. Váv (6) is the immediate (succeeding) manifestation of Há’ (5), and they appear...
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
"Tablet of Asma alone is about three thousand pages."
I attended the glorious annual (Baha'i sponsored) Persian Arts & Culture conference near Chicago last weekend. Some three to four thousand Baha'is and friends of the Faith attend this glorious conference every year. Among the speakers was our very knowledgeable Dr. Nader Saidi who is one of those rare individuals that I know who has studied carefully...