Asked if it were ever right to rebel against an earthly ruler, Abdul Baha replied: Yes, if he deals unjustly and tyrannically with his people he forfeits the right to govern them. -Abdul Baha. Notes taken by A. S. D., Acca, Oct. 16, 1907.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Abuse, hatred and animosity against the Shi'ih Muslims
Abuse, Edward Browne, Personal Observations, Shi'ih
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The Babis and Baha'is show hatred and animosity against the Shiahs of Persia, abuse and revile them, and heap malediction and curses upon them. These evil feelings are shown especially against the rulers and the Mullahs. The Baha'i historians indulge so much in diatribes and maledictions, that Professor Browne wearies of translating them, and omits...