The Holy Qur’an was one single volume of 6300 verses. Then in one lightning stroke came the Báb, of whose revealed flood of divine knowledge Bahá’u’lláh Himself writes:
“… the verses which have rained from this Cloud of divine mercy have been so abundant that none hath yet been able to estimate their number. A score of volumes are now available. How...
Saturday, February 23, 2019
If necessary she can become a warrior.
For her greater strength and
fierceness, the lioness is more feared by the hunter
than the lion. The mere size of the brain has been proved to
be no measure of superiority. The woman has
greater moral courage than the man; she has also
special gifts which enable her to govern in
moments of danger and crisis. If necessary she
can become a warrior.”
Sunday, February 17, 2019
Tolstoi was completely disenchanted with the doctrine of Baha'u'llah
Baha'u'llah, Christians, Dreyfus, Independent Investigation of Truth, Personal Observations
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"Although Bahá’í publications have long quoted the laudatory comments addressed by Tolstoi to Grinevskaia and Badalbekov (item 5), Tolstoi’s attitude toward Bahá’í beliefs fluctuated and at times was completely contradictory. Tolstoi’s earliest reactions until about 1904 tended to be favorable, but upon receiving Bahá’í books from some of his correspondents,...
Baha'i teaching work cannot be compared with other social works
"Your work to improve the health of people is a meritorious way of serving mankind, but it can never be compared with the work of illumining the souls and minds of men with the Light of Bahá’u’lláh. The people of the world are teeming millions, the Bahá’ís only a handful, yet they are the precious leaven that must leaven the lump."(From a letter written...
Regarding the one who related the existence of the Qaʼim…
Baha'u'llah, Islam, Provisional Translation, Shi'ih
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Regarding the one who related the existence of the Qáʼim [1] In a Tablet to Mírzá Áqáy-i Afnán, the blessed pen of the Ancient Beauty—exalted be His glory—hath revealed: “The one who related the existence of the Qá’im was a woman. It was asked of Jaʻfar, [2] ‘Does [Imám Ḥasan] ʻAskarí have any living sons?’ That wronged one [3] declined and said, ‘There...
A Tablet from ‘Abduʼl-Baha regarding the Twelfth Imam
Abdul-Baha, Islam, Provisional Translation, Shi'ih
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In a Tablet to Ḥájí Ṣadr-i-Hamadání, the title of which is “O Ṣadruʼṣ-Ṣudúr! The unrolled scroll hath been read aloud,” the Center of the Covenant—exalted be His praise—hath said: As to the question of the twelfth Imám, there existeth in the ḥadíths an apparent contradiction. In one ḥadíth, Muḥammad ibn Ḥasan [1]—peace be upon Him—is considered the...
Regarding Jafar-i-Kadhdhab (“Jafar the Liar”)
Abuse, Baha'u'llah, Islam, Provisional Translation, Quran, Shi'ih
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In a Tablet to Mírzá Áqáy-i-Afnán, the Pen of the Most High—exalted be His glory—hath revealed:
“O people of God! Inquire ye of the people of the Qurʼán: ‘Where is Jábulqá, and what of Jábulsá? [1] What hath become of those illusory cities?’ They have condemned as a liar that hapless Jaʻfar, [2] who did not speak falsely. For uttering a single truthful...