April 11,1949 to the NSA. The Guardian has, within the last few years, considered the National Assemblies strong enough to wield the instrument of sanction in the sense of depriving a Baha'i of his voting rights. But no one but himself can pronounce a person to be in that diseased condition we call 'Covenant-breaking', and no one but he can reinstate...
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Sunday, September 16, 2018
the inhabitants of America... would have, by now, been attracted to the Kingdom of God...
Abdul-Baha, America (United States), Converting People
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"O ye friends and maid-servants of the Merciful! Praise be to God, ye are the fish of one ocean, the birds of one rose-garden, the trees of one orchard and the flowers of one paradise. Then why this difference? Why this lack of harmony? Wherefore this condition?Verily, verily, I say unto you, were it not for this difference amongst you, the inhabitants...
majority of the human race would have embraced the Cause of God if....
'We have already stated in a previous volume[1] that in some of His Tablets Bahá'u'lláh has clearly indicated that if the believers had carried out His teachings faithfully, lived their lives in accordance with the divine standards and achieved absolute detachment from earthly things, they would have moved the peoples of the world and the majority...
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Allahu Abha should be found upon the lips everytime
The Greatest Name should be found upon the lips in the first awakening moment of early dawn. It should be fed upon by consistent use in daily invocation, in trouble, under opposition, and should be the last word breathed when the head rests upon the pillow at night. It is the name of comfort, protection, happiness, illumination, love and unity.
Abdul Baha ridiculing and making fun of the son of one of the covenant breakers for sucking a goat's penis
“This egotistical man had two dimwitted and unintelligent sons: Husayn and Hasan. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá used to relate to this effect, “When speaking with Me, Siyyid Mihdí would greatly extol and praise Hasan’s astuteness, saying that the lad was most intelligent. There was a herd of goats at Bahjí. [While playing,] each of the Bahá’í kids was holding the udder...
Friday, September 7, 2018
He stressed that Baha'is of Christian background should accept these principles concerning Islam
Christians, Imam Husayn, Islam, Jews, Muhammad, Pilgrims' Notes, Quran, Shoghi Effendi
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While walking with us in the gardens of the Shrine during our second meeting with him, Shoghi Effendi spoke of Muhammad, Whose station was lofty and great, as the recipient of a Divine Revelation. He returned to this theme on a later occasion, saying that the believers should be aware, and believe, that Islam is the origin of the Baha'i Faith, that...
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Baha'u'llah and Muhammad “associated” with each other in Baha's dream!
Baha'u'llah, Dream, Muhammad, Provisional Translation
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Here is Baha’u’llah’s personal account of that particular dream, in this provisional translation by Necati Alkan:
One day I saw in a dream that I associated with His Holiness, the Apostle (Muḥammad), may the souls of all else but Him be sacrificed for His sake. Words were revealed and utterances were made manifest from that Dawning-Place of God’s...
Huququ’llah will contribute to the spiritualization of humanity
The Institution of Huququ’llah will, during the course of this Dispensation, contribute to the spiritualization of humanity through the promotion of a new attitude to the acquisition and use of material resources. It will provide the material resources necessary for great collective enterprises designed to improve all aspects of life and will be a...
Baha’i Chaplains
The National Assembly now wishes to select, train and authorise a further group of volunteers from England and Wales to act as Chaplains in the NHS. Over the next few years the responsibilities of Bahá’í Chaplains in the NHS may well build up from the present small scale voluntary posts to possibly full-time paid NHS posts, for which trainees with...
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Abdul Baha looks at Qaim-Maqam's picture every morning when He wakes-up.
You might like to know that there are several Tablets from ʻAbduʼl-Bahá in which he praises the Qáʼim-Maqám for his keen intellect and outstanding character. In one of them, He mentions that a portrait of the Qáʼim-Maqám hangs in His bedroom, and that He looks at it every morning when He wakes. In some of His Tablets, ʻAbduʼl-Bahá even quotes—both...