Thursday, November 9, 2017
Shun any man in whom you perceive enmity for this Servant
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Hossein Amanat is the brother of former Baha'i Abbas Amanat
Covenant-Breakers, Independent Investigation of Truth
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We encourage interested Baha'is to learn Esperanto
Abdul-Baha, House of Justice (UHJ), Independent Investigation of Truth, Language, Shoghi Effendi
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The Most Great Name or Ringstone Symbol Not Appropriate on Gravestones
Books written by enemies of the faith should be ignored entirely.
Censorship, Covenant-Breakers, Independent Investigation of Truth
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If people refuse to accept Baha'u'llah, they will bring upon themselves crisis and great affliction.
Summary of rules of Baha'i translations
Baha'i Law, Independent Investigation of Truth, Provisional Translation
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"untimely and unwise" - "unpleasant and unworthy"
Baha'u'llah, Censorship, Independent Investigation of Truth
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Baha'is are the Leaven of God, the Chosen People of God
He feels that a course on Covenant-breaking should be included in the Summer School curriculum
Committee of Vigilance to watch over the Faith and protect it from its internal enemies!
Expropriating the property owned and controlled by the Covenant Breakers
Abuse, Covenant-Breakers, Israel, Shoghi Effendi
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'Abdu’l-Bahá visited the home of William Jennings who was not home at the time, as he was busy campaigning for Woodrow Wilson in whose administration he would serve as Secretary of State.
Abdul-Baha, America (United States), Politics, Racism
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Circumstances around Abdu'l Baha's knighthood (KBE)
Baha'is acquiring properties in Israel
Independent Investigation of Truth, Israel, Shoghi Effendi
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Old religions are decaying before the eyes of their disillusioned adherents...
Christians, Covenant, House of Justice (UHJ), Islam, Jews, New World Order (NWO)
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