Abdul Baha
The Chosen Highway, p. 177
Baha'u'llah, Punishment, Shoghi Effendi, War, World Peace
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House of Justice (UHJ), New World Order (NWO), NSA
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Abuse, Covenant-Breakers, Punishment, Shoghi Effendi
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[Cablegram, May 26, 1955]
Archbreaker of Bahá'u'lláh's Covenant
Announce to National Assemblies that Majdi'd-Dín, the most redoubtable adversary of Abdu'l-Bahá, denounced by Him as the incarnation of Satan and who played a predominant part in kindling the hostility ofAbdu'l-Hamíd and Jamál Páshá, and who was the chief instigator of Covenant-breaking and archbreaker of Bahá'u'lláh's Covenant, and who above sixty years labored with fiendish ingenuity and guile to undermine its foundations, miserably perished struck with paralysis affecting his limbs and tongue. Dispensation of Providence prolonged the span of his infamous life to a hundred years, enabling him to witness the extinction of his cherished hopes and the disintegration with dramatic rapidity of the infernal crew he unceasingly incited and zealously directed, and the triumphant progress and glorious termination of `Abdu'l-Bahá's thirty-year ministry as well as evidences of the rise and establishment in all continents of the globe of the administrative order, child of the divinely-appointed Covenant and harbinger of the world-encircling order.
Christians, House of Justice (UHJ), Jews, Return
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Abdul-Baha, Christians, Entry by Troops, Islam, Jews, New World Order (NWO), Prophecy, Shoghi Effendi, World Peace
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Abuse, Covenant, Covenant-Breakers, Injustice, Muhammed Ali (Ghusn), Sanctions, Shoghi Effendi
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Treacherous Ruhi Afnan, not content with previous disobedience, correspondence with Ahmad Sohrab, contact with old Covenant-breakers, sale, in conjunction with other members of family, of sacred property purchased by Founder of Faith, and allowing his sister to marry son of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's enemy, is now openly lecturing on Bahá'í movement, claiming to be its exponent and is misrepresenting the teachings and deliberately causing confusion in minds of authorities and the local population. Inform National Assemblies.
With feeling profound concern, grief, indignation, am compelled disclose Bahá'í world recent developments Holy Land furnishing further incontestable proof relationship established old and new Covenant-breakers demonstrating increasing boldness, marked, tragic decline in character and spiritual condition grandchildren 'Abdu'l-Bahá. Their shameful attitude and conduct receiving approbation their elders. Evidences multiplying attesting Ruhi's increasing rebelliousness, efforts exerted my eldest sister pave way fourth alliance members family Siyyid 'Alí involving marriage his granddaughter with Ruha's son and personal contact recently established my own treacherous, despicable brother Riaz with Majdi'd-Din, redoubtable enemy Faith, former henchman Muhammad-'Ali, Archbreaker Bahá'u'lláh's Covenant. Convey information all National Assemblies.
House of Justice (UHJ), Independent Investigation of Truth
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20 May 1952
To an individual believer
Dear Bahá'í Sister:
Your letter of May 4th has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.
He deeply appreciates your great devotion to the Faith. The Guardian was happy to learn of the success you are having in your teaching work, especially with the Jewish people. He wishes me to assure you that he will pray for those whom you have succeeded in attracting to the Cause of Bahá'u'lláh, and that your own efforts may be richly blessed.
With warm Bahá'í greetings,
R. Rabbani
Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement,
Your true brother,
Buddhism, Christians, Dissimulation, Hinduism, Islam, Jews, Shoghi Effendi
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Abdul-Baha, Christians, Freemasonry, Islam, Jews
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Baha'i Activities, Baha'u'llah, Converting People, House of Justice (UHJ), New World Order (NWO), Shoghi Effendi, World Peace
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The unity of the human race (converting everyone to Baha'ism), as envisaged by Bahá’u’lláh, implies the establishment of a world commonwealth (Baha'i Superstate) in which all nations, races, creeds and classes are closely and permanently united, and in which the autonomy of its state members and personal freedom and initiative of the individuals that compose them are definitely and completely safeguarded. This commonwealth must, as far as we can visualize it, consist of a world legislature, whose members will, as the trustees of the whole of mankind, ultimately control the entire resources of all the component nations, and will enact such laws as shall be required to regulate the life, satisfy the needs and adjust the relationships of all races and peoples. A world (Baha'i) executive, backed by an international (Baha'i) Force, will carry out the decisions arrived at, and apply the laws enacted by, this world legislature, and will safeguard the organic unity of the whole (Baha'i) commonwealth. A world (Baha'i) tribunal will adjudicate and deliver its compulsory and final verdict in all and any disputes that may arise between the various elements constituting this universal system. A mechanism of world inter-communication will be devised, embracing the whole planet, freed from national hinderances and restrictions, and functioning with marvellous swiftness and perfect regularity. A world metropolis will act as the nerve centre of a world civilization, the focus towards which the unifying forces of life will converge and from which its energizing influences will radiate. A world language (Esperanto!!!) will either be invented or chosen from among the existing languages and will be taught in the schools of all the federated nations as an auxiliary to their mother tongue. A world script, a world literature, a uniform and universal system of currency, of weights and measures, will simplify and facilitate intercourse and understanding among the nations and races of mankind. In such a world society, science and religion, the two most potent forces in human life, will be reconciled, will co-operate, and will harmoniously develop. The press will, under such a system, while giving full scope to the expression of the diversified views and convictions of mankind, cease to be mischievously manipulated by vested interests, whether private or public, and will be liberated from the influence of contending governments and peoples (Baha'i Censorship is already an open secret!). The economic resources of the world will be organized, its sources of raw materials will be tapped and fully utilized, its markets will be co-ordinated and developed, and the distribution of its products will be equitably regulated.http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/b/PB/pb-1.html
A world federal system (i.e. Baha'i Superstate), ruling the whole earth and exercising unchallengeable authority (of UHJ) over its unimaginably vast resources, blending and embodying the ideals of both the East and the West, liberated from the curse of war and its miseries, and bent on the exploitation of all the available sources of energy on the surface of the planet, a system in which Force is made the servant of Justice, whose life is sustained by its universal recognition of one God (Baha'u'llah!?) and by its allegiance to one common Revelation (Baha'i) — such is the goal towards which humanity, impelled by the unifying forces of life, is moving.
Baha'u'llah, Provisional Translation, Punishment
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Christians, Marriage, New World Order (NWO), Sanctions, Shoghi Effendi
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Covenant, Covenant-Breakers, Internet, New World Order (NWO), NSA, Will & Testament, Women
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Covenant-Breakers, NSA, Sanctions, Shoghi Effendi
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