Friday, February 24, 2017
February 22, 1945, a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer stated that
"Indeed when we see the increasing darkness in the world today we can fully realize that unless the Message of Bahá'u'lláh reaches into the hearts of men and transforms them, there can be no peace and no spiritual progress in the future."
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Baha'u'llah cannot break his own laws.
“God is my witness! Had it not been in conflict with that which the Tablets of God have decreed, I would have gladly kissed the hands of whosoever attempted to shed my blood in the path of the Well-Beloved.” (Baha’u’llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah, p. 102) “were it not contrary to the Law of God, I would have kissed the hand of My...
'Abdu'l-Bahá regularly attended prayers at mosques and presented himself and his followers as Muslims.
Abdul-Baha, Dissimulation, Freemasonry, Islam, Muhammad, Palestine
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regularly attended prayers at mosques and presented himself
and his followers as Muslims. You might want to read "The Young Turks and the Bahá'ís in Palestine" by Necati Alkan, an instructor at the Wilmette Institute.
Here is a quote from page 264: "Throughout their stay in Ottoman
domains – until the death of 'Abdu'l-Baha in...
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Followers of Abdul Baha collected a large sum of money to bribe ottoman officials
Mme. Jackson and the late M. Dreyfus and two others collected a large sum of money with the intention of travelling to Istanbul to do whatever necessary to bring 'Abdu'l-Bahá's imprisonment to an end.
Savages of central Africa !
Abdul Baha :
If a child is left in its natural state and deprived of education,
there is no doubt that it will grow up in ignorance and illiteracy, its
mental faculties dulled and dimmed; in fact, it will become like an
animal. This is evident among the savages of central Africa, who
are scarcely higher than the beast in mental development.
Friday, February 10, 2017
Spontaneous generation
“Know that the creatures are of many kinds . . . some are created in
wombs others [are created] by spontaneous regeneration (khalq al-sa'a)
and come into existence by themselves, such as the animals that are
created in fruits, and a group are created in eggs. These are the types
of creation of [living] things,”
(Abdul-Baha, Makatib, vol. 2, p....
Kitab-i-Bayan and Terrorism
“The utterance of the [book or religion] of Bayan in the day of the appearance of his Highness Ala (meaning the Bab) was to behead,
burn the books, destroy the monuments, and massacre [everyone] but
those who believed [in the Bab’s religion] and verified it,”
(Abdu’l-Baha, Makatib, vol. 2, p. 2...
It is better not to read books by Covenant-breakers
"It is better not to read books by Covenant-breakers because they are haters of the Light, sufferers from a spiritual leprosy,
so to speak. "
( Helen Bassett Hornby, Lights of Guidance: A Baha’i Reference File (New
Delhi: Baha’i Publishing Trust, 1983), chap. XII, no. 628...
All non-Baha'is are astray
"The first duty prescribed by God for His servants is the recognition of Him Who is the Dayspring of His Revelation and the Fountain of His laws, Who representeth the Godhead in both the Kingdom of His Cause and the world of creation. Whoso achieveth this duty hath attained unto all good; and whoso is deprived thereof hath gone astray, though he be...
Guardian of the Faith has been made the permanent head of the UHJ
Baha'u'llah, Guardianship, House of Justice (UHJ)
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"Though the Guardian of the Faith has been made the permanent head of so august a body he can never, even temporarily, assume the right of exclusive legislation. He cannot override the decision of the majority of his fellow-members, but is bound to insist upon a reconsideration by them of any enactment he conscientiously believes to conflict with the...
Monday, February 6, 2017
House of Justice converted to House of Spirituality
... in 1902 they formally elected a body of believers in Chicago and called it the "House of justice"; it performed great service. Once the Faith was established there and the friends became thoroughly acquainted with the tenets of the Faith, they modified the name of the elected body to "House of Spirituality".
(Memories of Nine Years in Akka by...
Baha'i titles for Covenant Breakers...
...buzzing about like flies and making a great deal of noise, all in order to influence the believers.
In Tehran the Old Hyena met with eternal damnation.
The two mischief-makers of Tabriz received their due reward: one died and the other found sanctuary with the Protestants. And in Bombay, Jahrumi failed miserably.
Of the 'Akka Covenant-breakers,...
Non-Baha'i Westerners visiting Abdul Baha in Palestine
Abdul-Baha, Christians, Covenant-Breakers, Story
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These people were not readily admitted into the presence of 'Abdu'l-Bahá; the same restrictions which limited the visits of the believers applied to them too. Any such visit could have provided ammunition for the enemies of the Faith and consequently might have led to more restrictions and hardships. More often than not, I suspected that some of these...
Dissimulation is condemned in Bahá'u'lláh's writings!?
Abdul-Baha, Covenant-Breakers, Dissimulation, Lua Getsinger, Story
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At this time, not unlike the period of the incarceration of Bahá'u'lláh, those friends who desperately longed to attain the presence of 'Abdu'l-Bahá would have been satisfied to travel long distances from far-off lands so that, standing outside the gates of the city, they too could gaze unwaveringly at the wall of the prison fortress and focus their...
How the Christian enemy was "thrown out"?
Abdul-Baha, Abuse, Christians, Covenant-Breakers, Story
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The story of Mr. Frank Frank
Another of the American friends who visited 'Abdu'l-Bahá in the midst of these restrictions and hardships was Mr. Frank Frank. His first and last names were an indication of his honesty and sincerity-truly befitting, for he was characterized by truthfulness and simplicity of conduct. Having accepted the Cause, and...
Abdul Baha's prophecy about Jews and Israel
They (visitors) even enquired about the ultimate destiny of Palestine, wishing to know whether or not the day was coming when the power and sovereignty of the Jewish people would be established in this land.
I particularly remember that on several occasions the American believers asked if in the future the lands comprising Palestine would fall into...
Abdul Baha about Russia
Someone asked Abdul Baha : could Russia have avoided engaging the Japanese in the conflict?" Abdul Baha replied, "Yes, they could have, since they were the ones who initiated the declaration of world peace and were the spearhead in motivating other governments in the establishment of the World Peace Conference at The Hague.{146} It would have been...
Nusayri Baha'is !
In brief, the intense opposition and hostility of the enemies in those years emblazoned the fire of the love of God and generated an atmosphere of great enthusiasm and excitement among the friends. If the Covenant-breakers misinterpreted the blessed verse: "Turn "{149} in accordance with their own whim and fancy, and not unlike the Sunnis in the early...
Baha'u'llah : This is My covenant...
“O OPPRESSORS ON EARTH! Withdraw your hands from tyranny, for I have pledged Myself not to forgive any man’s injustice. This is My covenant which I have irrevocably decreed in the preserved tablet and sealed with My seal”
(Hidden Words, Persian, no. 64...